Russia denounces “terrorist attack” by Ukrainian “saboteurs” in the Bryansk region, kyiv speaks of “deliberate provocation” by Moscow

by time news

Cover image: A poster dedicated to the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day, in Moscow on February 20, 2023. ALEXANDER NEMENOV / AFP

  • The Kremlin on Thursday denounced a “terrorist attack” after Russian authorities claimed to be fighting a group of « saboteurs » Ukrainians infiltrated in the Russian region of Bryanskbordering Ukraine, a claim denied by kyiv.
  • The head of Russian diplomacy, Sergei Lavrovconfirmed on Thursday thatno joint press release will see the light of day following a ministerial meeting of the G20 in India and castigated Western countries for this failure.
  • At least three people were killed and six others injured in a night strike on an apartment building in Zaporizhia, local authorities said on Thursday. This region of south-eastern Ukraine is regularly hit by Russian bombardments.
  • The battle continues for control of Bakhmout in the east. The Russian troops tighten their grip on the city, cutting three of the four roads which make it possible to supply it. On Wednesday morning, the one going to Chassiv Yar, a town west of Bakhmout, was closed to traffic by the police.
  • The spokesman for the Eastern Command of the Ukrainian army, Serhi Cherevaty, denied that a Ukrainian withdrawal from Bakhmut either in progress. A possible withdrawal “will depend on the operational situation. So far, such a decision has not been taken”he told Agence France-Presse.

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