as March 7 approaches, the CGT wants to “bring the economy to its knees”

by time news

Several hundred activists were gathered this afternoon at the headquarters of the CGT, to decide what to do with the protest. Thomas Engrand/Le Figaro

Branches such as chemicals, energy or railway workers want to raise the balance of power to push back the government.

Dark week in perspective for the French. Meeting this morning with their general secretaries, five trade union branches of the CGT agreed to harden their fight against the pension reform. It’s time for a renewable strike and “the disorganization of the economy“, noted one of the leaders of federations. First to speak, Laurent Brun of the CGT-Cheminot underlined that an agreement had been reached for “one renewable strike per period of 24 hours“. A movement which will begin on the evening of March 6, and which has been joined by the other railway trade unions.

Slogan identical to the Fnic-CFT (Chemistry, oil…), where “everywhere the workers are ready to change gear“, explained Emmanuel Lépine, the number one. Several sectors have already planned to vote for the renewable, starting with the refineries, whose previous social movement had already created severe shortages in the country. The work stoppage could occur here as early as March 6. They will not be alone. Import terminals, depots and “sky gas station attendants” will also be affected.

SEE ALSO – Convergence of struggles: Marine Tondelier takes stock of the strikes of March 7, 8, 9 and 10

“Disorganize production”

Among the dockers, where the CGT is strongly represented, operations have already begun with “overtime stoppages and exceptional shifts“, explained the federation. Operations which already aim todisrupt production“. But activists do not intend to stop there. A 48-hour strike is announced for March 7 and 8. As a high point, the second day is described as “dead ports». «All doors will be closed to ensure there is no activity“, continued Tony Hautbois, the federal secretary of ports and docks.

Last to speak Sébastien Menesplier, from energy, promised “a dark week“. A threat that will materialize by “targeted cuts” or “blockages of strategic sites“warned the trade unionist. In addition to these four federations, others, such as that of construction, wood and furniture as well as that of trade should soon join the renewable strike, according to the speakers. Enough to “bring the economy to its kneesthey hoped.

SEE ALSO – March 7 strike against pension reform: what to expect?

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