towards a monthly aid of 65 euros?

by time news

FOOD CHECK 2023. The government was challenged by the Rural Families association about the galloping inflation affecting the food sector at the start of the year. What push the executive to put in place a new boost? All info.

[Mis à jour le 2 mars 2023 à 08h42] Difficult to say if the food check will see the light of day. Long-awaited for more than two years, it is still waiting and the government seems to be stalling on this device desired by many low-income households to eat healthier and cope with rising prices in the food sector (inflation of 13,3% in January 2023 over one year according to INSEE). After various attempts, for the most part annihilated because of their complexity of implementation, a new track seems to hold the rope. the association Rural families made a request to the government, based on its annual Price Observatory, published on Wednesday 22 February. According to the organization, a family of two adults and two children needs a minimum 477 euros per month to eat properly. However, this amount is greater than 65 euros what a family living at the poverty line can afford. De facto, the association demands from the executive a monthly help aimed at the most modest French households in an unprecedented inflationary context.

Earlier, in November 2022, Elisabeth Borne announced the creation of a fund for sustainable food aid, worth 60 million euros from 2023. This great novelty could therefore replace a hypothetical food check, in the small papers since 2020. This fund of 60 million euros could allow “the most fragile” citizens to access “quality food” as underlined by number 2 of the government. This sum would first make it possible to “support our major national players so that they can buy more quality products”. Problem, this food check is not included in the 2023 budget. Since then, the government has not given more precise information about this new device which could replace the famous food check, long awaited by the most modest households for access to healthier food.

The fund for sustainable food aid of 60 million euros, desired by Elisabeth Borne, could be managed by certain major national networks, and regional prefects through “local projects”. “The latter” will be able to support initiatives (…) between farmers, producers who will also be able to offer short circuits for quality food. For example, also setting up sustainable food vouchers since it is something that we want to be able to then develop on a national scale”, continued the head of government.

But originally the scholarship studentsthe beneficiaries of housing benefits (APL) even if they no longer live with their parents as well as the beneficiaries of social minima such as the RSA, the ASS, the AAH, or even the ASPA should have benefited from the food voucher. Finally, the latter received the inflation bonus, or exceptional back-to-school bonus of 100 euros on September 15th.

The possible food check corresponding to the aid of 60 million euros is not on the program of the 2023 budget. So, it is difficult to know the exact terms of this new food check, and a potential payment date if a such a formula was retained for 2023.

If the recommendations of the association Rural families were to convince the government, this “new look” food check could see the light of day in the course of 2023. However, no exact date has yet been announced.

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