7 home remedies to treat alopecia in men

by time news

Meet some of the home remedies most effective in treating alopecia in men. help you dad oh you couple stop suffering for the famous “tickets” on the front. CLICK ON THE MAIN IMAGE to learn about home remedies for alopecia.

All we lose between 50 and 150 hairs every day and although it seems like an excessive amount, it is normal. In addition, it must be considered that changes in temperature, the products we use or the stress to which we are subjected have a great influence.

If more hair is lost, then there is already an alopecia problem, which is abundant hair loss. When there is alopecia problemis usually reflected in the crown and the sides of the forehead, mentions the Professional Pharmacy magazine.

The Hair loss It is a problem that affects us men and women equally, which is not only influenced by a poor diet. The genetics plays an important role in that, as well as the use of some medications. Although it is normal to lose hair every day, it is important to recognize when this loss is already a sign of something delicate.

CLICK ON THE MAIN IMAGE to learn about home remedies for alopecia.

7 home remedies to treat alopecia in men. Photo: iStock

How is alopecia removed in men?

In their case, the hair loss is related to male sex hormones and genetics. When the hair follicle shrinks, it causes the hair to grow thinner, weaker, and shorter.

The male pattern baldness it is distinguished by the way in which hair loss occurs. It usually begins at the hairline and gradually recedes, forming an M. There are cases in which hair loss occurs on the sides of the head, exposing the rear area, in the shape of a U or horseshoe.

There are several products on the market that help stop baldnessbut they have certain indications so that they work correctly.

He minoxidil stimulates hair growth and strengthens hair. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it as a treatment for alopecia. Although it does stimulate hair growth, it must be used continuously to enjoy its benefits.

The finasteride It is responsible for producing testosterone, a hormone related to baldness. Its job is to delay hair loss, but just like minoxidil, hair loss recurs when you stop using it.

CLICK ON THE MAIN IMAGE to learn about home remedies for alopecia.

7 home remedies to treat alopecia in men. Photo: iStock

What herb is good for alopecia?

Besides genetic factorshe excessive stress causes hair loss and much more. The advantage is that some medicinal plants manage to reduce stress levels, while stimulating hair follicles.

Lavender. It has relaxing properties that help increase blood flow in the hair area. You can boil a handful of lavender for a few minutes and when it cools down, apply it to your hair with a spray bottle. Massage in circular motions and you’re done.

Ylang ylang. Thanks to its properties, it can be used as a natural oil to nourish the hair and prevent alopecia.

Laurel. Combats dandruff and seborrhea, thus stimulating the growth of hair follicles.

Back. It helps to regenerate the scalp, which is why it serves to stimulate hair growth.

What makes alopecia worse?

In addition to a hormonal imbalance, stress and lifestyle habits can worsen the symptoms of alopecia.

In addition to medications, there are various home remedies to treat alopecia in men. Remember that the less stress you have, the help your hair follicles can “work” correctly. Are you tired of fighting against alopecia?

CLICK ON THE MAIN IMAGE to learn about home remedies for alopecia in men.

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