Jonathan Margie leaves Castro – and that’s the truth behind the breakup

by time news

Singer Jonathan Margie is having a difficult year. Four months ago the young singer and his partner of the last three years Noa Kirel Farewell, she is known to have already seemingly moved on to the arms of model Tomer Hacohen, while Margie has often moved the audience when he did not stop his tears. If that wasn’t enough, Margie revealed to his amazement that the new ex starred in a new commercial for a media network alongside his double without knowing or being updated on it – prompting the singer who was expected to be photographed a day after the commercial, for another season for Castro’s winter campaign, cancel all media interviews on the set .

This morning, it was announced that Margie will not continue for another season with the fashion company due to the communication between the parties not being pleasant and it seems that the versions to end the deal are divided. TMI has learned that Margie’s executives have informed the fashion chain that Margie, who has been Castro’s presenter for the past two years, will not renew his contract for another season. But sources in Castro gave a completely different version, and claimed that the contract with Margie was supposed to end in a month and the company decided not to renew the contract with him, among other things in light of the singer’s recent conduct when he did not cooperate in interviews on the set. Therefore, it was decided to terminate the contract with him, among other things, to refresh the presenter.

Jonathan Margie (Photo: Rafi Daloia)

Yoav Gross Margie’s manager said: “I am very sorry that Castro chose to distort reality following the message I sent them yesterday morning about the desire to end the engagement, to my delight the message was written and therefore very easy to prove the truth.”

“The Castro fashion house has been renewing and refreshing its team of presenters over the years in spite of the brand’s marketing efforts. The agreement with Margie ended at the end of the month. Beyond that we do not discuss the media regarding our agreements with presenters.”


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