Hacker sells personal data of PRI members. A political party in Mexico

by time news

Cybersecurity specialists claim to have found a hacker who sells the database of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which is a center-right Mexican political party. The Institutional Revolutionary Party is a political party in Mexico that was founded in 1929 and held uninterrupted power in the country for 71 years, from 1929 to 2000, first as the National Revolutionary Party, then as the Mexican Revolution Party, and finally as the PRI Party. from 1946. According to reports, the hacker is selling personal data of members of the PRI site. Security breach incidents undoubtedly show how vulnerable systems are, recalling the more than 1,200 Mexican companies that have been recent victims of hackers up to February 2023.

Compromised information includes

Full name

paternal name

maternal name

Full Address




date of birth

A technical cyber security alert issued jointly by four federal agencies, including the security agencies and the FBI, mentions that a new increase in politically motivated hacking efforts has been detected this year after a period of almost zero activity. Much of the data identified by experts from cybersecurity firms is publicly available, and almost all of it is the type that cybercriminals regularly buy and sell on dark web platforms.

But the fact that these sensitive personal records were found for sale in bulk underscores the ease with which criminals and foreign adversaries can use this information to find vulnerabilities or defraud bank customers, as the FBI has repeatedly mentioned.

The data appears to be from customers, so investigators deduce that the hacker was able to steal this data by compromising PRI’s website server.

The data for sale would allow threat actors to attack PRI and some of the members using these services could be affected, including enterprise customers.

No one is certain about the authenticity of the post found on the dark web, but researchers have tried to contact the company to confirm the authenticity of the leaked data and received no response.

We hope that PRI will verify this leak, confirm its authenticity and take necessary actions so that customers do not go through any more trouble.

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