“Yosh Division has changed its face”

by time news

“Operation Lot”, the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s operation to erect an engineering barrier along the “seam line” in the Judean Desert area, during which 12 kilometers of barrier were breached and paved, has come to an end. The establishment of the barrier, which was announced last April, is a significant step in the preparation of a “breakwater” to counter and the prevention of terrorism in Judea and Samaria, as well as as part of the effort to strengthen the “seam line”.

The operation, which is a significant part of the whole of the new operational concept in the seam area led by the Yehuda Brigade, resulted in a significant decrease in the number of infiltrators to Israel. In just the last few weeks, the forces drove away over 150 vehicles and caught over 600 suspects who tried to enter Israeli territory illegally.

A barrier was erected in the Judean Desert Photo: Dover Tchel

Two outposts were established and permanent forces were stationed in the area to ensure the prevention of illegal crossing

As part of the engineering operation in the Yehuda Regional Brigade, under the leadership of the chief combat engineering officer, Lt. Col. Ido Mizrahi, and the commanders of the Central Command’s engineering formation, the forces and battalions and battalions of the combat engineering corps and the general combat engineering unit operated, using more than 60 dedicated tools.

In addition, two outposts were established and permanent forces were stationed in the area in order to ensure the prevention of illegal crossing and the strengthening of the defense of the State of Israel. The engineering setup of the Central Command continues to work in the area to continue improving and strengthening the barrier.

“The Judea and Samaria Division has changed its face” Photo: IDF spokesman

“The Judea and Samaria Division has changed its face”

In a ceremony held this morning (Thursday) to mark the end of the operation, certificates of appreciation were awarded to a variety of units for their part in the operation and their contribution to the effort to build the seam barrier. The commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, Lt. Col. Avi Belot said at the ceremony that “We are in a design campaign. The Judea and Samaria Division has changed its face since the beginning of Operation “Breakwater”.

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