The head of the FBI: the corona epidemic broke out as a result of a leak in a virus laboratory

by time news

The head of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, Christopher Wray, said that the assessment of the agency he heads is that the origin of the global corona outbreak is in the virus laboratory in the city of Wuhan, where over 1500 types of different viruses are kept, for research and development purposes

The head of the FBI estimates: the corona epidemic broke out as a result of a leak in the virus laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Ray’s words represent the position of the FBI alone, and they contradict positions expressed by other American bodies to date. However, the claims regarding the possibility that the source of the epidemic is in the laboratory, have been heard throughout the last few years, and in-depth tests were even carried out by messengers on behalf of the World Health Organization.

In China, the American press was directed in response to a report published by a delegation of researchers from the World Health Organization that visited Wuhan and stated that the claim that the source of the epidemic is a leak from the virus laboratory where over 1500 types of different viruses are kept, for research and development purposes, is “extremely improbable”. However, the World Health Organization’s report was subsequently denied by the organization itself, which claimed that the committee made firm conclusions without having the full details, so this is an issue that will still need to be examined later.

In the first period after the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, it was the President of the United States at the time, Donald Trump, who claimed that it was a Chinese conspiracy. Trump also called the Corona by the nickname ‘the Chinese epidemic’, and said that the whole world will still sue China for the enormous damages it caused through the epidemic. In his words yesterday Ray confirmed that the FBI does believe that this was a leak from the laboratory, but that it was an accidental leak and not part of a deliberate event. However, he places the responsibility on China for the concealment and attempt to obscure the various investigations conducted by the countries of the world in an attempt to locate the source of the epidemic.

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