Sergio Rubini tells the cinema about the revenge of the three brothers De Filippo-

by time news
from Emilia Costantini

The director brings «The De Filippo brothers» to the big screen. “They lived in a frustrating situation, but thanks to their talent they achieved success”

Naples, November 29, 1925: he dies Eduardo Scarpetta, the famous actor and playwright Neapolitan who had been furious for years on stages It is on big screen, building a remarkable heritage. When reading his will only i legitimate children, Domenico and Vincenzo, can share his conspicuous inheritance, while to the three illegitimate children, Titina, Eduardo e Peppino De Filippo it does not deserve anything. But fate will concede to them a treasure more importantly, the artistic talent of his biological father, whom they were forced to call “uncle”.

“The De Filippo brothers»
is the film that the director Sergio Rubini dedicates to the extraordinary human history e artistic of a particular family. Protagonists Mario Author (Eduardo), Domenico Pinelli (Peppino), Anna Ferraioli (Titina), con Giancarlo Giannini in the role of Scarpetta. A project realized by Agostino Saccà’s Pepito Produzioni with Rai Cinema, in cinemas from 13 to 15 December. «I got an idea of ​​Scarpetta – begins Rubini -. A serial inseminator because, wherever he went, he made a woman pregnant, often a close relative as in the case of De Filippo got from Luisa, grandson of their own wife Rosa. He was extraordinary stage animal and a kind of mangiafuoco, that hurt those that were vicini. These wounds caused one in Eduardo, Peppino and Titina desire for revenge which led them to the triumph, imposing itself as actors, e authors, with a new way from do theater. I imagined them as the formation of the Beatles, the young boys from Liverpool who come together and create one music band disruptive, becoming famous worldwide”.

The story unfolds between 1925 and 1931, when the trio debuted with “Christmas at the Cupiello house”, comedy written and directed by Eduardo. «With them, the arguments brought to the stage they go beyond tradition of the farcical Neapolitan theater, to undertake a realistic road, drawn from everyday life – continues the director -. Behind this revolution withltural there are three characters, three brothers with contrasting individualities and a difficult family behind them: a condition that will lead them to separate, due to liti between Eduardo e Peppino».

Two Neapolitans and one from Salerno, the chosen interpreters to embody the three “Monuments” of the history of the theater and actors themselves. «I was not immediately a fan of Eduardo – explains the 28 year old Author -. Getting close to him without suffering the myth helped me not to feel myself affected from her immense stature, whom I admire as a playwright: I consider him the Neapolitan Chekhov. When it was proposed to me the role, I didn’t want to see anything of Eduardo as an actor anymore, I studied it private sphere and I tried not to fall into the trap of the double. There is an extensive literature regarding his being gruff, severe, Reserved, but it was also a play boy e unstoppable wanderer. In him there was truth and appearance, the vita and the Pirandello form».

A Pinelli (26 years old) another complicated role has touched: «I share the same with Peppino persecution mania, and this is my weapon to interpret it. While his brother fought for his own ideals, Peppino fought against all e against himself, feeling eternal second, nurturing love and hate for Eduardo. I was lucky enough to have attended the stage with my actor father, with the Scarpett’s repertoire and that of the De Filippo family ”.

Ferraioli (33 years old) impersonated Filumena Marturano when he attended a theater workshop as a high school student: «Un destiny? Maybe – admits the actress -. Di Titina, la wise older sister, fascinates me there great modernity, compared to the feminine canon of that era, its urgency of express yourself as an artist. I didn’t want to limit myself to an imitation, I am concentrated on his emotional vision in family relationships: for many years it was the glue among the brothers ».

Rubies which, as a teenager, he impersonated Nennillo in “Christmas at the Cupiello house” in his father’s amateur dramatics, he concludes: «I would like to disclose the history of a emblematic family and imprint courage to whom, despite being born as the De Filippo in one frustrating situation, with a father disguised as “uncle”, can do it a climb the summit of the success, thanks to your own talent».

December 3, 2021 (change December 3, 2021 | 20:56)

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