Klaus Lederer is leaving – is Joe Chialo coming?

by time news

Because the Berlin left will no longer govern, Lederer is a thing of the past. The future could be a CDU man.

Der CDU-Politiker Joe ChialoChristoph Soeder/dpa

Now it is certain: Klaus Lederer will lose his position as Senator for Culture, and his party Die Linke will most likely no longer be part of the coalition that will govern Berlin in the future. Opportunity to look back and look ahead.

Lederer came into office at the end of 2016, after ten years in which the culture department had been managed by the governing mayors, von Wowereit, von Müller, and the respective State Secretary for Culture. Most recently it was Tim Renner, who left Klaus Lederer with the art manager Chris Dercon as theater director at the Volksbühne. In one of his first public statements, Lederer expressed his displeasure, but it was not long before Dercon plunged the house into a financial crisis and resigned. That was somehow also a Berlin solution, as long as it had a provincial tinge.

Berliners like that. They actually like to moan, especially about their political representatives. But Klaus Lederer, who is also Berlin’s mayor, is one of the most popular politicians in the capital. There are people who voted for Die Linke because of him, or at least considered it, because they would have liked to see him rule. This may also be due to the extreme commitment of the man with the eternally black T-shirt under his jacket and the two earrings, and the fact that he doesn’t shimmer. Instead, he comes across as quite believable and a little conflict-averse. This includes the fact that he quickly got rid of Klaus Dörr, the interim director of the Volksbühne, who he had appointed, after MeToo allegations were made against him, which then turned out to be quite questionable. This also includes the fact that he probably did not dare to approach Barenboim.

Joe Chialo in his music manager office on Alte Schönhauser Strasse.

Joe Chialo in his music manager office on Alte Schönhauser Strasse. Benjamin Pritzkuleit