This is the panorama of obesity in Mexico for 2050

by time news
  • Currently, 75% of the Mexican adult population suffers from obesity and/or overweight.
  • If the trend continues, it is estimated that by the year 2050 the figure would be 88%.
  • Excess body mass increases the risk of health problems such as sleep apnea, type II diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer.

The Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases (CMCOEM) warned that the The problem of overweight and obesity in Mexico is serious and urgent to address. It currently affects 75% of the Mexican adult population, but the outlook for the future is not encouraging. According to the World Obesity Federation, it is estimated that by the year 2050, 88% of the national population will have excess body mass.

Health risks

During the press conference “Let’s talk about Obesity”, the doctors specializing in bariatric surgery, led by Dr. José Rodríguez Villarreal, highlighted obesity as a public health problem that entails various risks for those who suffer from it. From complications such as: sleep apnea, suffering from chronic diseases such as type II diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, inability to do usual activities, some types of cancer and even premature death.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can be detrimental to health. It is generated mainly by an imbalance between the income and expenditure of calories in the body.

According to the WHO, over the past half century obesity in the world has practically tripled. In Mexico, three out of four adults suffer from some degree of obesity or overweight. In addition to the fact that our country is the second nation in the world with the most adults living with this condition.

The treatments that exist to combat this disease range from specialized diets and exercises to reduce Body Mass Index (IMC), to advanced surgical procedures, with medical technology, such as bariatric surgery.

In this regard, Dr. Rodríguez pointed out that: “although obesity is a problem that must be urgently attacked through prevention, in Mexico other measures must be taken because in reality we are caring for the population that already has a critical state . Given this, we must raise awareness so that people go to health professionals and make it known that there are safe and effective treatments for people who already suffer from this condition.

Bariatric surgery against obesity

When the patient’s condition warrants it, the bariatric surgery It is a treatment that seeks to improve the quality of life of people suffering from obesity. It is a surgical procedure that regulates or decreases food intake to contribute to weight loss. Currently it is a safe, reliable and proven option throughout the world to combat obesity.

“It is important to understand the problem and put hands into action. As doctors our job is to care for patients, find alternatives and provide the best treatment options. At the Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity we make efforts to raise awareness that this is a priority issue for our country. It is a serious disease and, as such, it can and should be treated”.

under the world obesity daywhich is held every March 4, the Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases urges the population to always go to certified doctors, capable of providing timely, effective treatment focused on the specific needs of each patient.

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