The Rebbe of Gor Yeshvot in Arad • Remember all Shabbat events and times

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In the courtyards of the rebbes and followers:

Gor: In all concentrations of Gor Hassidism in Israel and around the world, the Shabbat that precedes the 27th day of Hilula of the Rebbe with the ‘Peni Menachem’ of Gur Zia’a is celebrated this coming Thursday. Also, the Rebbe of Yeshivot residence on Shabbat is remembered in the city of Arad where he rests.

Vizhnitz: The Rebbe of Vizhnitz will be laid to rest in Netanya with the members of his limited family.

Bayan: In all Hasidic concentrations in Bayan, we will mark the Shabbat that precedes the Yarzeit of the Rebbe who has the ‘Fear Yitzchak’ of Bayan ZIA, which will take place this Friday.

In Abov: All Hasidic concentrations in Abov in Israel and around the world will celebrate the Shabbat that precedes the 18th anniversary of Rebbe Rabbi Naftali Zvi of Babov ZIA, which will be celebrated this coming Sunday. The Rebbe of Babov will hold a tish on Shabbat night on the occasion of Hila in the large Beit Midrash in Babov in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Arlovi: Shabbat will be observed in the Arlovi Hasidim the Shabbat before the seventh Yarzeit of the Rebbe who owns the ‘Amri Sofer’ of Marlevi ZIA starting this coming Sunday, his son Mm. The Hilula will be held on Shabbat of gathering and association at Beit Midrash HaGadol Arlev on Yotam Street in the Katmon neighborhood of Jerusalem.

Dushinskya: The peace was remembered on the occasion of the birth of the grandson of the Rebbe of Biala Marma, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Asher Dushinskya, in which the Rabbi Aharon Shmuel Dushinskya, the son of the Rebbe of Dushinskya, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Yehoshua Lieberman. It will be held on Shabbat night at Beit Midrash Dushinskaya on Shmuel Hanavi Street in Jerusalem.

Alexander: In Hasidic Alexander, the Shabbat before the Yarzeit of the Rebbe with the ‘Amri Menachem’ of Alexander ZIA is celebrated, starting this Thursday, his son Mm. “B.

In Brazan: On the occasion of the Yarzeit of the Ameri Rabbi Yehuda of Barazan zt’al, his grandson the Rebbe of Barazan will hold his pure table on the night of Shabbat Kodesh, in his seminary on Ezerat Torah Street in Jerusalem.

Satmar: The Rebbe of Satmar will sit among his followers in Kiryat Yoel on the occasion of the Knesset of a Torah book written by the members of the community for the Rebbe Hadbri Yoel and the blessed Moshe of Satmar zt’l, and will enter on Saturday morning before the Torah reading in the Great Beit Midrash in Monroe. A Simchat Torah class will be held.

Skolen and Wmsab – Bavob- 45: Shabbat seven blessings for the son of the Rabbi Rabbi Benzion Frankel Abd Sakalov Sasregen, son of the rebbe of Vielifali, son-in-law of the Rebbe Rabbi Dbabov 45, with the daughter of the rebbe of Skolen and Williamsburg, will take place At the Idan Pals hall in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn. On the occasion of the joy, the brothers of the Rebbe of Skollen sat in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Trevisan – Pinsk Karlin – Tshakawa: Shabbat Sheva blessings to Rabbi Ya’akov David Halberstam Abd Zanz Tshakawa, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Malalev Baranovich ztzel, with the daughter of the rebbe of Trebizhan, son of the rebbe of Kretshnif Kiryat Gat ztzel L, the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Pinsk Karlin, will be held at the Trevisan High Court in Beit Shemesh, on the occasion of the joyous sittings of the grandfather of the Rebbe of Pinsk Karlin in Beit Shemesh.

Simchat Beit Vizhnitz – Kalov – Kalish: Shabbat Sheva blessings to the grandson of the Rebbe of Vizhnitz of Monsieur, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Rabbi Naftali Mordechai Toiv Rabbi Kalov, the son of the Rebbe of Kalov for a full recovery, with the Rebbe’s daughter McCalish of Flatbush will be held at Beit Midrash Kalish in Flatbush, Brooklyn.

Verdan – Neutra: Shabbat Sheva blessings to the son of the Rebbe of Verdan of Borough Park, the son-in-law of the Rebbe Gab’d Yemmering, with the granddaughter of the Rebbe of Neutra, the daughter-in-law of the Rebbe Rabbi Chaim Meir Ernster Ram at the Wiznitz yeshiva, Zon von Hara Rabbi Yisrael Ernster, will be held in Monsieur.

Ziditchoib: Shabbat Sheva blessings for Rabbi David Biederman, son of the Rebbe of Laalov Jerusalem zt’l, with the daughter of Rabbi Avraham Yosef Weiss, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Zidtchoib 22, will be held at Beit Midrash Ziditchoib on Rabina Street in Bnei Brak .

Simchat Beit Laalov – Tameshwar: Shabbat seven blessings for the Rebbe of Laalov, the son of his great son Rabbi Yoel Zosha Biderman, the son-in-law of the Grand Master Rabbi Makava Elad ztzel, with the daughter of the Rebbe of Tameshwar Elad, the son-in-law of the Rebbe R. Mazotshka zt’l, will be held at the Tameshvar Court in Elad.

Simchat Beit Pittsburgh – Sert Vizhnitz: Simchat HaShalom is a memory of the grandson of the Rebbe Baal Tefarat Mordechai of Pittsburgh ZIA, son-in-law of Rabbi Yaakov Hagar, one of the leaders of the Wizhnitz Yeshiva in Ashdod, son of Rabbi Israel Eliezer Hagar Rabbi Dachasidi Sert Vizhnitz Jerusalem, will be held on Shabbat night at the Beit Midrash Pittsburgh in Ashdod.

Monsey: Shabbat Sheva blessings to the great-grandson of the Rebbe of Maalitz, grandson of his son Rabbi Yehuda Horowitz, son-in-law of Rabbi Yoel Chaim Horowitz, son-in-law of Rabbi Moshe Eliyahu Heimlich, with the daughter of Rabbi Rabbi Shimon Katz Dom Satmar Monsi, will be held in Monsi.

Kasani: Shabbat Sheva Baruchot to Rabbi David Wasserman, son of Rabbi David Laalov B.V., with daughter Rabbi Aharon Halperin, son of Rabbi Rabbi David Radamishla Ramot, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Kasani Beit Shemesh, the son-in-law of the Rebbe from the history of Aharon ztzel. It will be held at Beit Midrash Kasani in Beit Shemesh.

Sasov: The Sabbath of the annual meeting will be held on the occasion of the revelry of the Rebbe of Sasov ZIA in the shadow of his son, the Rebbe of Sasov and with the participation of his rabbinic brothers, the High Court of Justice, in the Great Court of Sasov Bishim Moshe.

Sukhotsov: Shabbat falls on Yoma Dehilula, the 123rd anniversary of the Rebbe of “Agli Tal” and “Avni Nezar” of Sukhotsov ZIA, the founder of Hasidism, on the occasion of Hilula, his grandson, the Rebmor of Sukhotsov, will hold a Tish on Shabbat night, and he will also pass before the ark during the Shabbat prayers at his Beit Midrash At Beit and Garden in Jerusalem.

Butushan: The community of Butushan Chassidim will gather in the shadow of the Rebbe of Butushan on the occasion of Shabbat, which is preceded by Yoma Dehilula of his father, Rebbe Mordechai of Butushan ZA, on the occasion of Ya’arzeit, the Rebbe will conduct the prayers and tishes at the Butushan Hasidic Center on Yeshayahu Street in Bnei Brak.

In the courts of the great men of Israel, the rabbis and yeshivas:

Derech Emunah: In all the Torah halls in the Jewish world, the Shabbat that precedes the first Yarzeit of Maran the Torah Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky ztzel is celebrated.

Safed: The tzaddik genius Chacham Nissim ben Shimon will sit in Safed for Shabbat Zakor, during Shabbat he will give lessons and talks at the Yad Ezera and Shulamit Midrash on 1 Tshal Street headed by Rabbi Meir Lori. The main sermon at 15:00 on Saturday afternoon.

Shabbat marks the Shabbat that precedes the Hayarzeit of the renowned Rabbi Shmuel Greiniman zt’l, a student of Marnan the Chacha and the Garcha and the Chacha Hachar on the Torah. On the day of Adar (the fast of Esther) the Hayarzeit day, the prayers will be held in the house of his son the Garam -that he will pass in front of the column- on the Rebbe’s St. Magor 35 in Bnei Brak, after the Ma’ariv prayer on the night of Hayarzit he will give a lesson to the A.N.

Or Shmuel: The conversion to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of Ben HaGaon Rabbi Avraham Diskin of the head of the Or Shmuel yeshiva, with the daughter of Rabbi Hildesheimer from Ayan Parsha.

Aterat Shlomo: The prayer for the birth of the grandson of Rabbi Haim Mordechai Ozband, the head of the ‘Aterat Shlomo’ yeshiva, son-in-law Rabbi Jacob Friedman, will be held at Rabbi Ozband’s house on Beit Hillel Street in Bnei Brak.

Heligman: Shabbat Sheva Baruchot on the occasion of the marriage of the elder daughter of Gab’d Heligman HaGaon Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Karlitz, will be held in Bnei Brak.

Agudat Reim: HaShalom Zakr on the occasion of the birth of the grandson of Rabbi David Kesler, rabbi of the Beit Midrash Agudat Reim in Bnei Brak, son of his son Rabbi Eliyahu Kessler, will be held at the “Hot Shani” court in the David Gardens neighborhood in Bnei Brak.

Or Elchanan: Shabbat seven blessings on the occasion of the marriage of Ben HaGaon, Rabbi Zvi Weinfeld, head of the ‘Or Elchanan’ yeshiva.

Bnei Brak: Shabbat Sheva blessings on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of the Gaon Rabbi Nachum Menashe Guttentag with the great-granddaughter of the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Boyar and the granddaughter of the Gaon Rabbi Yehezkel Bertler ztzel.

Bnei Brak: Shabbat Sheva blessings to the granddaughter of the Gaon Rabbi Yeshaya Klar, daughter of his son-in-law Rabbi Klairs Rosh including Sha’ari Shimon in Bnei Brak.

Beit Abuchatzira: In the courtyards of Beit Abuchatzira, Shabbat marks the Yarzeit day of the Rebbe, Rabbi Avraham Abuchatzira, the third son of the ‘Avir Ya’akov’, who is located in Tiberias.

Be’er Mordechai: Prayers continue for the complete healing of the Rabbi Baruch Shmuel HaCohen ben Leah Deutsch, the head of the ‘Beer Mordechai’ yeshiva who is still in need of much mercy, the yeshiva’s head is staying at his residence on Rabad Street in Bnei Brak, even on Shabbat they will pray for his complete healing.

Tosefet Shabbat: According to the instruction of the elders of Israel, the Shabbat must be taken early for the treatment of Rabbi Faiga Tzipora Bat Hadassah Lau, the wife of a member of the Belahta Chief Rabbi HaGaon Rabbi David Lau, who is still in need of the abundant mercy of Heaven.

The public figures, the Mashbakim, the journalists and the business people:

A Mazal Tov blessing to the Rabbi of Satmar Rabbi Chaim Shlomo Fisher on the occasion of the happy engagement of his daughter at a good time.

A Mazal Tov blessing to Moishi Karnbeiser, the beloved grandson of Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf, on the occasion of the birth of his daughter at a good time, the joyous Kiddush Raba will take place on Shabbat in Ashdod.

A double congratulatory blessing to the journalist Shneor Weber, editor of the “Merkaz Ha-Zariman” newspaper, on the occasion of the happy birth of the twins, a boy and a girl, at a good and auspicious time.

A happy birthday to journalist Menachem Koldatsky, editor of the website ‘HaMachd’, on the occasion of the happy Bar Mitzvah for his great son.

A congratulatory greeting to the businessman Yaakov Bibla, the owner of the “Books of Or Life” on the occasion of his betrothal to the important guy Zvika Abuwitz from Haifa.

A Mazal Tov blessing to the important man Moshe Aryeh Krois from Hasidot Toldot Aharon on the occasion of the joy of his engagement this week at an auspicious and auspicious time.

Shabbat entry and exit times Parshat Titzvah – remember Tashfag in Israel and around the world:

Jerusalem – Saturday entrance: 17:03 | Shabbos departure: 18:15 | RT: 18:56

Bnei Brak – Shabbat entrance: 17:19 | Shabbat departure: 18:17 | RT: 18:54

Modi’in Ilit – Shabbat entry: 17:09 | Shabbat departure: 18:16 | RT: 18:55

Petah Tikva and Elad – Shabbat entrance: 17:03 | Shabbos departure: 18:15 | RT: 18:56

Haifa – Saturday entrance: Saturday entrance: 17:08 | Shabbat departure: 18:16 | RT: 18:54

Ashdod – Saturday entrance: 17:18 | Shabbat departure: 18:17 | RT: 18:53

Safed – Saturday entry: 17:06 | Shabbat departure: 18:14 | RT: 18:53

Tel Aviv – Saturday entrance: 17:17 | Shabbat departure: 18:17 | RT: 18:53

Be’er Sheva – Shabbat entry: 17:20 | Shabbat departure: 18:18 | RT: 18:56

New York – Saturday entry: 17:31 | Saturday departure: 18:40

London – Saturday entry: 17:28 | Saturday departure: 18:35

Antwerp – Saturday entry: 18:08 | Saturday departure: 19:17

Zurich – Saturday entry: 17:59 | Saturday departure: 19:00

Paris – Saturday entrance: 18:18 | Shabbat departure: 19:26

Moscow – Saturday entry: 17:49 | Saturday departure: 19:04

The public is called to add and advance to accept Shabbat half an hour before sunset to benefit and heal the sick of his people Israel.

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