«It will triumph», Massimo Zamboni at the Punk Tank Café

by time news

twelve o’clock, December 7, 2021 – 4:56 pm

Friday at 8:30 pm with the guitarist of the Cccp and then a musical selection, Naples Piazza Dante

On 10 December the Punk Tank Cafe ‘in Naples (Piazza Dante) will have the pleasure of hosting Massimo Zamboni for the presentation of his latest literary work, “La trionfer”. At the end of the presentation, Dj Foffy music selection. Admission is free, limited places, booking is preferable at the whatsapp number 3311416842.

The book

Being a Communist in Cavriago meant using your head and hands to build your own cinema, your own dance hall, your own future together, in the name of the emancipation of humanity. But also to send a telegram to Lenin and appoint him honorary mayor, clash with Catholics for the film about Peppone and Don Camillo, despair over Stalin’s death, serve Lambrusco and fried frogs at the Unity party. Being a communist was first of all a feeling: knowing that you were on the right side of the world. Massimo Zamboni accompanies us on this journey through time, starting from that small local Petersburg where the bust of Lenin still stands today, plunging us into an era in which everything seemed possible, even the revolution. Through the incredible story of a land where party loyalty was sacred and the wind from Russia was blowing hard, Massimo Zamboni comes to terms with the great utopia of the twentieth century in a truly original way: at the center of this passionate choral story, there are Emilia and the town of Cavriago, and the vicissitudes of its inhabitants. When in 1919 they sent a telegram of solidarity to revolutionary Russia and a few months later, on the day of the founding of the Communist International, Lenin in his speech praised the courage of that lost corner, which he had searched in vain on the map. Or when they participated in the conference of the century at the Reggio Emilia theater: a debate on whether to grant authorization to shoot the film about Peppone and Don Camillo. Or when, in 1970, they inaugurated the bust of Lenin with a shudder of emotion in the town square, in front of an official delegation of the CPSU. To then jump out of their warm beds to stand guard at the bronze monument threatened by some attempted beheading. Dreamers and realists, people with hard heads and a very strong sense of brotherhood, the protagonists of this story are women and men with an inexhaustible political passion, citizens of the big world, in whose events there is all the strength and persistence, finally the nostalgia, of that ideal, crazy and wonderful momentum that made them feel they were on the right side. With a dose of emotion, one of sarcasm, one of practical and Emilian sense of disenchantment, Massimo Zamboni has often written and sung the dissolution of that time, but here he opens it up in front of our eyes intact and full of life, anger and yearning, giving us the epic of a memory from which to start again, the epic of a land where the red flag flew higher.

Massimo Zamboni

Massimo Zamboni one of the historical names of Italian rock. Alter ego by Giovanni Lindo Ferretti first in the CCCP and then in the CSI, in which he plays the guitar, artistically divorces the singer while working on a duo record that will later become “Codex”, Ferretti’s solo work. Consequently, the CSI also dissolve (they will reform as PGR), and Zamboni continues his artistic activity initially as a writer: between 2000 and 2003 he publishes “In Mongolia in reverse”, a travel diary which gave rise to “Tabula rasa electrified ”By the CSI and the novel“ Emilia parabolica ”; to follow, in 2005, “My first post-war”, a book that tells about the cities devastated by the conflict. He worked on some soundtracks and made his debut as a soloist at the beginning of 2004 with SORELLA DEFEAT. The disc, published by RadioFandango (rib of the film production house), sees singers Nada, Lalli, Marina Parente and Fiamma as guests. This is followed by L’APERTURA (2005), a four-handed record with Nada. After some soundtracks, in 2008 comes L’INERME E ‘L’IMBATTIBILE, and at the same time the remastered reissue of the five CCCP discs. In 2010 comes ESTINZIONE DI UN COLLOQUIO AMOROSO, mini LP of 5 songs, entirely sung by Zamboni himself. In 2011 Zamboni joined the singer and actress Angela Baraldi for ONLY ONE THERAPY: FROM CCP TO EXTINCTION, a limited edition path that runs through Zamboni’s career from the time of the CCP to his solo career. In 2012 IL CANTO DELL’ISOLAMENTO was released, a collection of his three previous albums, SORELLA DEFEAT, L’INERME E ‘L’IMBATTIBILE, EXTINCTION OF A LOVING INTERVIEW. In 2013, again together with Angela Baraldi, UN’INFINITA COMPRESSIONE PRECEDE LO SCOPPIO is released, the duo’s first album. Other literary publications are: Technical tests of resurrection. Donzelli Editore, 2011; The echo of a shot. Einaudi Editore, 2015; Floating Souls, The ship of Theseus, 2016; No voice inside – a summer in West Berlin, Einaudi Editore, 2017; The Mongolian scrub, Baldini + Castoldi, 2020.

7 December 2021 | 16:56

© Time.News

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