Robber, not bribe: on the cross-examination of Nir Hefetz

by time news

Hefetz abolished Netanyahu’s awareness of Elowitz’s needs and desires

Nir Hefetz’s cross-examination reached the core of the indictment today: Does and to what extent does Hefetz link Prime Minister and Minister of Communications Benjamin Netanyahu to Bezeq-Walla affairs. “Will you confirm to me that Netanyahu did not talk to you about regulatory matters”? Netanyahu’s defense attorney asked Adv. Boaz Ben-Zur. “Not in a hint either,” Hefetz replied, but emphasized: “I fully stand by the document I handed him.” This is the document that Netanyahu drafted, a document from the Antitrust Authority that Hefetz transferred from Shaul Alovich to Netanyahu. This is the direct connection he presented in the main investigation into Netanyahu’s awareness of Bezeq’s expectations of him. “We will leave the document for a moment,” Ben-Zur replied, promising to return to it later. The defense assures that there was no such document at all.

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“Did Netanyahu never talk to you about the Bezeq Group’s regulation or ask you to send a message to Elovich?” Ben-Tzur asked, “Nada, nothing, did not allow me unequivocally to convey a message to anyone,” Hefetz replied, “I was only with them on the subject of media coverage.” And here the state’s thesis crackled to the state: ‘Positive coverage in terms of this bribe on the verge of delusion. For many years in the media, I have been aware of the media. Horse trade at the most animalistic level possible. I thought and I still think today that the 4000 case would not have come into being if Netanyahu had not been prime minister. ”

Hefetz added and canceled Netanyahu’s awareness of Elovich’s needs and desires. “The wholesale market reform interested Netanyahu as a garlic peel, Bezeq and the reform moved the tip of his fingernail,” Ben-Tzur said. “Neither is it,” Hefetz replied. That was his obsession, especially during the election period. ‘ And Elowitz’s expectations Who will be the Minister of Communications or the Director General of the Ministry of Communications, to what extent did they employ Netanyahu? “Zero, zero, not even one in a billion,” Hefetz canceled.

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On the right, Shaul Elowitz, Nir Hefetz and Benjamin Netanyahu

On the right, Shaul Elowitz, Nir Hefetz and Benjamin Netanyahu

(Photos: Yoav Dodkevitz, Amit Shabi)

Hefetz presented himself as a counterweight in the face of Yair’s intensifying influence

In his interrogation, Hefetz often sheds light on the imperial court, on the power, status and influence of Sarah and Yair Netanyahu. After Saar resigned from the Ministry of the Interior, he was moved to Gilad Ardan, who also wanted to continue as Minister of Communications.

“The Netanyahu family did not agree that no one but Benjamin would be the Minister of Communications,” Hefetz explained. Still, Arden was given two weeks to sign the wholesale market reform regulations.

Yair’s story is also related to the matter of the magnetometers on the Temple Mount that came up yesterday. The security interest that Hefetz sought to interest his investigators. “Not 4,000, but 40,000,” in his language designed to demonstrate power. But the defense can also benefit from this security deviation. Apparently he did not want anything to give in the 4000 bag so he offers 40 thousand feet. The researchers of course rejected this suggestion. And how is Yair related? After the entire security establishment warned that the magnetometers should be removed, the prime minister delayed the decision only because of the intervention of his son, who was listening to the right-wing torch in the networks, who refused this “folding.”

After the election, Yair became the most dominant in the circle of influence. “He took his father on attacks on law enforcement and also on Elovich,” Hefetz said. “I spent hours with Adv. Haddad trying to stop him from attacking Mandelblit and Alshikh.”

Hefetz presented himself as a moderate, as a counterweight, as a fire extinguisher in the face of Yair’s intensifying influence.

Object’s starting point: “It only invites trouble”

When Hefetz was asked about his involvement in the appointments, he explained that his starting point was that “one should be stupid to deal with appointments, it only invites trouble,” he said. The implication is that if you accept your offer for some “fake” appointment, the responsibility is yours.

But there was an exception – appointments in the media in which an object was involved. Hefetz explained the deviation as follows: “Netanyahu sent me to handle the appointments of Yaakov Bardugo and Erel Segal in the IDF waves, and of Elad Tene and Shimon Alkabetz in the corporation here,” he described yesterday.

Hefetz was involved in a particularly failed appointment: Adv. Eitan Tzafrir, who was supposed to be Netanyahu’s long arm in the Ministry of Communications but fell hard between all the chairs. Between CEO Avi Berger, who completely ignored him, and Netanyahu, who was busy with the election and did not devote a second in his time to strengthening Tzafrir in front of Berger. “From the moment he entered the office, Berger neutralized him and cracked him to pieces,” Hefetz testified. “He was a coupon from the ministry, a coupon from Netanyahu, a coupon from everything.”

But the more interesting story is Berger’s request to remain in the post of CEO even after Netanyahu’s entry into the minister’s office. “He begged and licked at the most embarrassing levels possible,” Hefetz said, “and after he was refused, he moved to ‘work’ at The Marker. I saw the traces there. He became very different from Netanyahu. “

Hefetz explained Netanyahu’s strict adherence to the drawers. Hefetz was in the mass communication drawer and not in the telecom communication drawer. It’s in the coverage drawer but not in the regulation drawer.

It turns out that this separation between the drawers was a bit mixed up, when Netanyahu proposed to Hafetz the position of director general of the Ministry of Communications. “He talked about the need to stand up to the hostile media that attacked him in a rage, to create a more balanced media,” Hefetz explained the details of the proposal. “He did not talk about regulation. Elovich’s name did not come up in this conversation either. “

An object shed light: “When he approaches the criminal threshold, he will run away”

Netanyahu mocks the thesis that was first raised in an investigation by Gidi Weitz in the time newspaper: Existence of a bribery relationship that bound between the coverage in Walla and the regulatory benefits for the Bezeq Group. And here, at this point, a particularly fascinating object of light has been shed on Netanyahu’s moods.

“Wherever he (Netanyahu – MG) approaches the criminal threshold, he will flee as soon as possible. When he was disturbed I would identify in a second “, Hefetz said and also gave some examples accordingly: Rob the state money for personal needs. There he continued even when he knew he was in a criminal problem, I saw him interrogate Ezra Saidoff in this matter, I testified in the matter of the electrician and more. Regarding the 4000 case – unequivocally did not interest Netanyahu. “

And like Netanyahu in the 4000 case, so did Hefetz, who told his message to the State Attorney’s Office: “Do not expect me to bring gold that will convict him of bribery when I think there is no story of bribery here.”


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