Clean and safe pet bed: 5 essential tips to disinfect it

by time news

Your pet will thank you for having a clean and disinfected bed. He will sleep comfortable and safe. We tell you more!

Clean and safe pet bed: 5 essential tips to disinfect it

Last update: March 03, 2023

Cleaning your pet’s bed is very important. That is his resting place and, like yours, it is appropriate that it is always impeccable.

Nevertheless, it is not as easy as changing the sheets of our own bed. You have to spend a little more time to make sure you eliminate possible microorganisms that affect the health of the pet.

Added to this is the difficulty of form. Dog beds are usually large and made of rigid materials that make it difficult to enter the washing machine, for example.

In any case, In this note we are going to clear up those doubts and teach you how to clean this element. in a simple, but very efficient way. Keep reading!

Tips for cleaning and disinfecting your pet’s bed

Your pet’s bed should always be clean and disinfected. This process must be done more frequently, compared to the times you bathe her, which is usually every month.

Well then, waiting 30 days or more to clean roost is not recommended. This is because hair, dead skin, toys, food scraps, and even fleas and ticks accumulate there. All this could harm the health of your pet and yours, so it is better to prevent with constant cleaning.

1. Clean the accumulation of hair

Regardless of whether your pet is a dog or a cat, there will always be a trail of hair, dust, and even food debris in their bed. The main thing is to avoid the accumulation of this waste that They could trigger the presence of bacteria and that, when washing the bed, make the task more difficult.

To eliminate all this you can use a vacuum cleaner, which you must pass through the bed, under it and in the area where you place it. It can also be achieved by using a lint roller or any other similar item.

Your pet’s bed usually accumulates many hairs, which must be vacuumed.

2. Take apart the bed to clean separately

After cleaning the bed of debris, you have to disassemble it. It is important to wash textiles such as covers and blankets, apart from the mattress foam.

After this step, start cleaning the stains from the cover. You have the option of doing it with a stain-removing product and a toothbrush, or you can put it in the washing machine with the rest of the textiles, if they are easy stains.

To disinfect these elements, check the label for washing recommendations. If allowed, wash with hot water, add the products you always use and add a little baking soda. This last element contributes to removing stains, disinfecting and deodorizing.

3. Wash the foam from the bed

Many people avoid washing the foam on their pet’s bedding for fear of damaging it. The fear is real. Not doing this process well could leave the pet without a mattress. However, there are ways to do it right:

  • First option: It is for those fillings that are quite rigid and that on their label indicate that they can be washed in the washing machine. This means that it is a resistant material that will not be damaged, so the only thing that remains is to put the mattress in the machine. Add a little vinegar too.
  • Second option: For mattresses made with pieces of foam, which could lose their shape and get damaged, there is a trick that has been taken on social networks. It has to do with the use of a tennis ball. Just put the foams in the washing machine, add cleaning products and place two or three tennis balls inside. Thus, the foam does not lose its volume.

4. Let the bed dry very well

The fourth tip to efficiently wash your pet’s bed has to do with drying. It is best to not put the foam in the dryer, as it could be damaged. So things, place the padding in an area of ​​the house where it can dry naturally.

You can also let the rest of the pieces dry in this way so that they do not shrink and then you have problems when putting the bed back together. It is very important that all the pieces dry properly, as the humidity could generate bad odors, fungus in the textiles and skin problems for the pet (such as mycosis due to Malassezia).

5. Be very careful with the products you use

We conclude these tips for cleaning and disinfecting your pet’s bed by inviting you to be especially careful with the products you use in the process. Only you know your dog or cat and you know how sensitive their skin is. If you have detected that he is prone to developing allergies, it is best to opt for products created for these cases.

There are a number of soaps or detergents that are pet friendly, that is, they are manufactured for use in pet textiles. Another option, as we mentioned in previous points, is to prefer homemade products such as white vinegar or baking soda, which are efficient in disinfecting and deodorizing and do not cause discomfort to pets.

In either case, you should know that it is vital to rinse with plenty of water. Sometimes allergies arrive because the soap or used products remain impregnated in the garments.

If your cat or dog suffers from skin allergies, it’s best to buy cat-friendly products to wash their bedding and blankets.

Clean bed, happy pet!

You will notice that after washing your pet’s bed, she will be happy and you can be calm. Spend a little of your time doing this task, at least once a month. In addition to keeping your furry’s resting space neat, this is a way to control possible pests, such as fleas and ticks.

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