Healthcare, CME provider: ‘With the Milleproroghe amendment, more courses and quality for 2023’

by time news

The importance and attention given to CME training by the new Government represent a further stimulus to offer courses of ever-increasing quality and scientific value. The amendment to the Milleproroghe, signed by Senator Francesco Zaffini, president of the Social Affairs and Health Commission, in addition to extending the deadline of the three-year ECM 2020-22 to 31 December 2023, also allows all healthcare professionals to regulate their relative position to the past three years (2014-16 and 2017-19). This is what the CME provider associations – represented by Simone Colombati and Matteo Bruno Calveri, respectively presidents of the Health Training Association and of Gifes – Federcongressi&eventi – reported today to Senator Zaffini, at the end of a meeting at Palazzo Madama.

We therefore announce a year in which training will be truly central, the providers who have analyzed the provision contained in the Milleproroghe relating to continuous updating write in a note, and it should not be underestimated that the new three-year period (2023-25), which started regularly on January 1st of this year, marks an epochal turning point with the insurance coverage linked to the fulfillment of 70% of the expected credits.

“2023 will be the year of training and continuous professional updating – comments Colombati – We are satisfied, this measure puts professional updating back at the center of the government’s priority and goes in the direction that we have been hoping for for some time, i.e. that training and professional updating should be seen as an opportunity and not as an obligation”. “We welcome this amendment very much – adds Calveri – Over the past three years we have recorded a large increase in training credits accumulated by healthcare personnel. This provision is a further strength because it confirms our commitment to quality training”.

“Never before in this period of great changes in the social and health sector – adds Susanna Priore, president of Ecm Quality Network – training and updating represent the best lever for the implementation of new models of care and the management of growing complexities in Healthcare . For this reason – he continues – together with the medical-scientific societies, the professional Orders and the category organizations we have the obligation to disclose and communicate what is approved by the amendment, in order to obtain a greater adhesion of professionals to the training projects planned for this three-year period”. Priore, together with his colleagues Colombati and Calveri, recalls the commitment undertaken by the Providers to offer cutting-edge training. “As an association of CME Providers and medical scientific societies – she reiterates – we are aware of the fact that we will have to produce more training in order to also allow the recovery of training credits from the previous three-year periods, as required by the same amendment. This can only guarantee the improvement of the quality of care and the quality of life of all of us citizens. In 2023, more training, more quality, more updating for more efficient healthcare”.

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