Malês Campus celebrates the graduation of 71 graduates, in 7 courses

by time news

The Malês campus of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab) celebrated another end of cycle and the beginning of a new journey for 71 students who attended the 2022.1 graduation ceremony, this last Thursday (02/03 ). They are graduates of Public Administration courses – Distance Education (6); Humanities (26); International Relations (4); Social Sciences (4); History (6); Letters-Portuguese Language (8); and Pedagogy (17). The ceremony took place at the Department of Education of São Francisco do Conde, the municipality where the Malês campus is located.

At the graduation ceremony, Social Sciences student Michel Carvalho highlighted the perseverance and resilience of graduating students. “Despite the difficulties, we went through with persistence, because we remain firm and strong, we fall and we always get up, stronger and stronger. Today we are here, all and all victorious because we do not accept weakening or giving up. We followed and overcame all the obstacles that appeared on our journeys”, stated Carvalho.

In a poetic tone, he also left a message through a poem “Humanizar”, of his authorship, in which in one of the excerpts he highlights: “mois black men and black women forming, ithis is priceless; let’s reframe the meanings, more humanity in each of us, kind and loved beings, more love, respect and equality. Let’s not let our humanity be lost, let’s do good because there’s no point in calling it civilization without the existence of civilized people, let’s move on exchanging experiences and knowledge, all the learning that gathered us here today”, said Michel Carvalho, in his speech during the ceremony.

Malese resists

The director of the Malês campus Mírian Reis, at the inauguration ceremony, invited those present to sing “Malês resiste”, a cry that has been a symbol of the fights and achievements of the campus, which is established in Bahia on May 12, 2014, when their face-to-face activities begin. “There is no university in this country that trains young black men and women like Unilab does”, recalled the director. Also in a poetic tone, she brought the poem by Mírian Alves “Mahin Morning”, to remember that “today you [formandos] show us that this tomorrow happens on the Malês campus, because the Malês campus resists every day”, he said.

The Dean of Unilab Roque Albuquerque, present at the graduation ceremony table, pointed out the centrality of the training process to open paths for students. “When we think about what education is capable of doing, it is impressive how much education can give us wings, it can set us free”, he said. He also underlined the importance of ancestry in this search for new horizons. “I heard the word ancestors a lot, ancestry. No one here gets where you are getting and [alçam] the flights you are still going to take if your roots are not well planted, because someone gave you that solidity in one way or another”, pointed out the dean.

Albuquerque also, in his speech, committed to the construction of a building with 12 classrooms for the Malês campus and announced the forecast for the release of two notices. One for students who were unable to continue their studies, offering them the opportunity to return to the course they chose and were unable to complete. This announcement also provides for the opportunity for internal students, according to the number of vacancies available, to change course.

Another public notice is an effort for vacancies to be filled by specific groups. “The vacancies will be opened to give opportunity for specific notices for quilombolas, shellfish collectors, the LGBTQI community, indigenous people, gypsies, people from terreiros, traditional people, who will have the opportunity to enter the university through this specific notice, so that we don’t leave anyone out, while we have vacancies, and impact the community here and everyone who comes to us at Unilab”, said the dean.

ceremony table

The graduation ceremony table was attended by Unilab’s dean Roque Albuquerque; vice-rector Cláuida Carioca; the director of the Malês campus Mírian Reis; the Dean of Undergraduate Studies Rosalina Tavares; the coordinator of the bachelor’s degree in Humanities Carla Benitez; the coordinator of the degree course in Social Sciences Márcio dos Santos; the vice-coordinator of the degree course in History Victor de Souza; the coordinator of the bachelor’s degree in International Relations Ivette Carrascal; Josyane Nascimento, the coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree in Literature-Portuguese Language; the coordinator of the degree course in Pedagogy Andreia Silveira; and the director of the Institute of Humanities and Letters, Pedro Leyva.

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