Gruesome brain surgery to cure rich man of leprosy

by time news

Most early examples of trepanation use the ‘scraping method’, in which a sharp object, usually a flint, is passed repeatedly over the same spot on the skull to make a hole to the brain.

However, the older of the two brothers had precise cuts made in the skull with special instruments, leaving a hole about 3 centimeters in diameter. This must be the work of a doctor.

Both methods were undoubtedly very painful, but survival was possible. Archaeologists know several examples of people who walked around for years after the operation with a hole in their head.

Leprosy is mainly contagious within the family

Megiddo was one of the wealthiest cities in the ancient Near East, controlling parts of the Via Maris, an important trade route connecting Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia and Anatolia.

The brothers belonged to the elite of the wealthy city and were buried with, among other things, fine pottery, jewelry and food. The eldest brother had also received the piece of skull that had been removed during the operation.

The skeletons also show holes, porosity and signs of inflammation, suggesting the brothers suffered from a serious illness.

Rachel Kalisher can see from the bone deformity that the brothers suffered from leprosy, but a DNA test is needed to confirm the theory. If the test is positive, the two brothers will be among the earliest known leprosy patients in the world.

“Leprosy often spreads within families, not just because of their close contact, but because susceptibility to the disease is largely influenced by genes,” says Kalisher.

Together, the researchers paint a picture of the tragic fate of the two brothers 3,500 years ago. The youngest died of the disease first and must have been around 20. Leprosy often mainly affects young people between the ages of 10 and 20.

A few years later, the eldest brother died, aged between 21 and 46. His skeleton reveals that he had the disease for a long time, so he may have infected his younger brother. The trepanation was performed about a week before his death, probably in a desperate attempt to save his life.

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