Viajes Falabella exceeds its 2019 sales by 32%. What strategies will it implement this 2023? | Flights | Tourism | Retail travel agency | Shopping centers | ECONOMY

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2022 and the beginning of 2023 were auspicious for Trips Falabella. The social situation reduced the domestic market by 8% during January this year, says Rodrigo Veran, the agency’s marketing manager, but explains that international destinations and advertising campaigns give business a greater boost.

The industry in 2021 had been hit, but with fewer restrictions in 2022 we expanded our exposure, we were more involved in aggressive marketing campaigns, we launched Appúrate, our app, and we are updating our physical stores. In 2022 we grew approximately 159% compared to 2021 in sales and 32% compared to 2019″, details.

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Veran highlights the increase in users on digital channels. For example, it stands out that Appúrate reached 21 thousand users at the end of 2022 and in 2023 it already has 32 thousand.

According to the executive, in January of this year there was not only a significant growth of clients in its digital channel, but also in the physical one. For this reason, one of the strategies that will promote the brand the most will be the opening of new stores.

We have 13 stores nationwide and our projection is to open five more in 2023. We are mainly looking for stores in Huancayo and Iquitos and we want to have an important store in Jockey Plaza and an additional one in Salaverry. Our branch in San Miguel opened on March 1”, he highlights.

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In addition to the expansion in the number of stores, Veran announces that it will remodel the existing ones. It also indicates that Falabella Travel will train its staff to provide a closer experience for the consumer in physical spaces.

The digital client is much more independent, but the one in physical stores usually goes alone and requires our advice. In addition to remodeling our stores, we want them to be a ‘travel center’ so that our customers can go, feel comfortable, have a trusted adviser who will attend to them patiently, who can take all the time in the world. This is how we will consolidate ourselves as an omnichannel company”, dice.

The consolidation of the digital channel, the auspicious results in the month of January and the renewal of its physical stores allow it to project a 30% increase in sales in 2023. “With our communications program we expect to grow 30% in sales compared to 2022″, he remarked.

Traveler profile

Veran assures that his clients usually buy trips either as a family or as a couple. In addition, his favorite destination is the Caribbean beaches, followed by packages to tour Europe and South America.

Those who request trips to the Caribbean, Punta Cana or Cancun usually make reservations for five days and four nights. In the case of packages to Europe, they are usually for 15 days.”, he details.

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