The loans to the countryside for when?

by time news

How long will they come true?this is the phrase they shout in silence producers from northern Sinaloa with the financing that state or federal instances offer them, but that just does not reach them, and it is that affirm that they have suffered those of Caín since the closure of the National Financial and the null support with credits to the field. Baltazar Valdez, president of Campesinos Unidos de Sinaloa, affirmed that some have even had to go with service providers even if this means paying them more than enough for the loan due to high interest rates; the less fortunate were not able to give their sowing the follow-up that is necessary to guarantee a good harvest. Only They pray that for the next cycle the federation pays attention to them and establish a development bank for this sector, otherwise the panorama will become even blacker.

AS IF THE DELAYS in the payment of the guarantee prices were not enough reason for the agricultural sector of Sinaloa to be dissatisfied with Segalmex, now this federal parastatal proposes a base price ton of corn way down the expectations of the producers. In a first meeting, federal officials headed by Leonel Cota Montaño proposed 61 dollars per ton of grain, when producers demand a minimum of 90 dollars.

WHILE IN THE NORTH of Sinaloa, farmers are given facilities to store their beans for a month to get better price, Mazatlán producers of the same grain are choosing to accept the proposal of the coyotes so as not to lose the harvest or get it wet because they don’t have places to keep it. It would be positive if the authorities or directly the members of the Association of Farmers of the Presidio River (AARP) join together and build a warehouse so as not to have so many losses or be forced to accept the payment they want to give for the product of their sweat. and support of his family.

ALTHOUGH THE POSITIONING of the precio del tomato started very wellaccording to producers, It has gone down when it was offered up to 5 pesos per kilo, a situation that severely affects those who continue with their harvest. According to Manuel Cruz Burgos, president of the Horticultural Cluster, 50 to 60 percent of the orchards are in the early stages. The price fluctuates from 5 to 6 pesos and when the heat arrives it is forecast that it would continue to fall, and unfortunately its commercialization has not flowed as there is no competition in markets and supply centers in the center and south of the country. Among the comments from producers, the price had not been so favorable for several years, so they ruled out, at the beginning of the season, that the product would end up as livestock feed, as it happened in previous years, since there were no alternatives.

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THE agricultural FIELDS of Angostura are kept under constant surveillance by researchers from the National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research (inifap). This week the health inspection of the wheat, sorghum and corn crops was carried out in order to maintain a healthy harvest. Carlos Beltrán Astorga, president of the Évora Valley Plant Health Local Board, and José Fredi Camacho Pérez, technical manager, recognized the concern for maintaining crops that guarantee good conditions and generate profitability.

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