‛ Bale Thieves who hid boxes in the pond Bihar: Police recover ‘liquor’ cartons hidden in Harpur village pond, probe on

by time news

Patna: Police have recovered 17 bottles of liquor stashed by miscreants in a pond in Harpur village of Bihar’s Vaisali district and are investigating.

In the last few days, the culture of fraud has raised its head in the state of Bihar. As a result, more than 100 people died after drinking Kallacaryam a few days ago. The police are working hard to stop counterfeit sales.

In this case, the police received a tip-off that mysterious persons were hiding liquor bottles in a pond in Harpur village of Bihar. Subsequently, the police with the help of the fire brigade conducted a search in the pond. Police have confiscated 17 bottles of liquor that the suspects had hidden in the pool and are investigating. Police are conducting intensive investigation to nab the thieves involved in the incident.

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According to an official, 17 liquor bottles hidden in a pond in Harpur village have been recovered. An FIR will be registered in this matter and strict action will be taken. It seems that special liquors were brought from Haryana for the Holi celebrations.

In Bihar’s Vaisali district, the prevalence of counterfeiting has increased. And to escape from the police, the suspects are making various conspiracies. This is what he said.

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