Very cool! Young Colombian, the best scientific disseminator in Latin America

by time news

A project that was born with the intention of teaching mathematics or physics to those who need it most, has been recognized as one of the most important in scientific dissemination in Latin America.

The proposal “Locos X la AstroCiencia” was born in 2020, as a Facebook channel dedicated to sharing scientific and astronomical news, In addition to teaching classes. This was founded by the Systems Engineering student Luis Sierra Oliveros, from the University of Magdalena, and has become one of the most visited portals by students, professors, and researchers on the continent.

Sierra founded this knowledge space together with a group of friends who are passionate about physics and mathematics, dedicating themselves to publishing content on certain areas of science, offering virtual courses and live broadcasts with the participation of important professionals from the country.

The project has had such an impact that the young student has been awarded the award for best popularizer in physics and mathematics delivered by the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla in Mexico.

For Luis Sierra, his teachers have been a source of inspiration and the University of Magdalena a home to fulfill some of his dreams.

Currently, “Crazy X AstroScience” He already has more than 697,000 followers, so the young scientist hopes to continue reaching more people, so that they can also be as passionate about science as he is. and continue helping those who still have trouble understanding mathematics or physics.

“We must continue in this work, be passionate about science and establish relationships with physics researchers around the world to place Colombia on that stage,” Sierra explained for Nota Positiva, a newspaper from his university.

The BUAP Science in Networks award is given in the state of Pueblo, Mexico, and seeks to recognize and encourage young people who are committed to scientific dissemination through social networks, and who also put knowledge at the service of society. that they acquire in the academy.

The jury delivers different recognition as the best disseminator in the areas of biology, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, health sciences, humanities, education, among other.

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