“Cosmonaut’s Love”: Polish science fiction series. Just sounds good

by time news

An astronaut disappears in 2022 with the spacecraft during a groundbreaking experimental mission in space. 30 years later, in 2052, he appears above the earth and lands safely. He didn’t age a single day, but the world he returned to was completely different. His girlfriend, 30 years older, is married to someone else and the mother of a teenage daughter. The scientists pursue him, even violently, in an attempt to understand what happened and how, and he is unable to return to the sane life he lost.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? Sci-fi series are usually made in America due to the budget and means they require, but every now and then you can find a Brazilian, Russian and even Polish gem, as “Cosmonaut’s Love” tries to be. But it takes one episode and maybe another half until the first cracks start to appear in the relationship between the series and the viewer. It is true that initially the five candidates to fly into space compete with each other in the air in their “Top Gun” style F16 planes and then land at the squadron club to compete with each other in soccer and continue to nightclubs to get drunk and compete for girls. Very quickly the science fiction episodes are getting shorter and shorter, and the competition between the pilots Niko and Bogdan for the heart of Marta, a young woman of 25, is spreading over extensive screen time.

At first, the viewer shows patience, assuming that the action in space will soon begin, but what happens is the complete opposite. The little bit of science fiction shrinks to shreds, and the romantic gibberish grows to the size of a Chinese spy balloon, and then the viewer realizes what is actually happening here: neither science fiction nor plaster. Just a Polish soap opera in costume. Lame, poor, excessive. A soap opera about its details and grammar.

And Polish as Polish. doing a favor Here comes the moment before the launch, Marta chooses Nico to be her lover, and Nico is the one who goes into space. A traitor ruined by life. Niko takes off, disappears for 30 years, Bogdan marries Marta, Niko returns, how could you do this to me, Bogdan, Marta is forced to choose again, and what was a ridiculous story comes to a particularly repulsive end. The most important thing is to keep children away from the screen.

To see or to give up: not to see even for one second.

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