Six European countries concerned about Israeli-Palestinian tensions | Middle East

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Palestinian protesters clash with Israeli soldiers in the village of Beit Dajan, West Bank, February 17, 2023. (Photo: THX/VNA)

On March 4, six European countries including Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Poland and Spain protested the recent attacks on Israeli citizens in the area. West Bank occupied and killed, at the same time calling for Israel stop expanding settlements there.

The joint statement of the six countries urges the Israeli government to reverse its recent decision to expedite the construction of more than 7,000 settlements throughout the occupied West Bank and to legalize settlement outposts.

Earlier, on March 3, the European Union’s Special Envoy to Palestine, Sven Kuhn von Burgsdorff, called for the perpetrators to be brought to justice, following the cases. violence involving Israeli settlers left one Palestinian dead and dozens of homes, shops and cars burned.

[Mỹ hoan nghênh việc Israel-Palestine cam kết giảm bạo lực]

Violence escalated in the West Bank despite Israeli and Palestinian leaders meeting on February 26 in Jordan and agreeing on some initial solutions. The two sides signed a series of agreements, including an agreement to establish a joint security committee to study and innovate the security cooperation mechanism between Israel and Israel. Palestine next time.

The parties also agreed to hold another meeting, sponsored by Egypt, just before Ramadan, to speed up security cooperation.

Despite demands from the Palestinians, Israeli officials attending the conference did not withdraw their decision to recognize nine settlement outposts and plans to build 9,500 more houses in the West Bank. However, the Israeli side also suspended approval of the construction of new settlements for the next four to six months.

Dang Anh (VNA/Vietnam+)

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