March 7 strike: truck drivers have decided to join the movement against pension reform

by time news

The “dark day of March 7” will not happen without the truck drivers, hitherto silent in the social movement against the pension reform. “The confederations are calling for France to be brought to a halt, we are going to do our part”, warns Patrick Blaise, secretary general of the CFDT Route, leader in the sector. “We are clearly going to toughen up the tone to make the government bend,” supports Patrice Clos, his counterpart at FO Transports.

However, the trade unions are moving forward in a disorganized manner. FO and Solidaires ask their troops to disengage from Sunday evening, 10 p.m., for an “unlimited duration”. While the CGT, the CFDT, the CFTC and CFE-CGC are focusing their efforts on a 48-hour movement, on March 7 and 8, in accordance with the line enacted by the eight confederations, in unison against the government project.

Beyond the work stoppage, the truckers will carry out multiple actions throughout the territory, from Monday morning. Drivers will block logistics platforms and industrial areas, particularly in Hauts-de-France and the Paris region. “This can have consequences on the supply of large retailers, emphasizes Patrick Blaise. The package of pasta, on the shelves Tuesday morning, may no longer be there on Thursday…” They will also organize occupations of roundabouts and filtering dams, “a bit everywhere in the departments, in particular at the borders”, confides Fabrice Michaud , General Secretary of the CGT Transports.

Fears about end-of-activity leave

Snail operations will take place around major cities, such as Bordeaux and Toulouse, and on major axes. “In principle, we are not allowed to use our trucks. But we put cars in front and we follow behind. We know how to do it! says a union official. The CGT and the CFDT are also working “on blocking a toll”, without revealing its location for the moment. “There will undoubtedly be strong repercussions on the daily lives of the French, warns Patrick Blaise of the CFDT Route. But public opinion largely supports the social movement! »

The drivers had not, until then, taken part in the various mobilizations. Because for a long time, they thought that they would pass between the drops of the pension reform which plans in particular to push back the legal age of departure. As part of its project, the government provides for the maintenance of the “end of activity leave” (CFA). This device, which takes into account the arduous nature of the job, now allows truck drivers to retire at 57, if they can justify at least twenty-six years of activity. “However, the starting age is shifted by two years, from 57 to 59, like everyone else, insists Fabrice Michaud, of CGT Transport. Above all, we have no guarantee on the sustainability of the CFA. »

During a meeting last week between the State and employee representatives, the government undertook to invest 150 million per year until 2030 to maintain the system. “But I’m afraid that’s not enough,” breathes Patrice Clos of FO Transports. “And we can see that everything can evolve, warns Fabrice Michaud. The senators want, for example, to accelerate the end of the special regimes. What tells us that they will not then tackle the abolition of the CFA? »

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