Colonel Ismaël Wagué denounces violations of the agreement by certain movements – Info Mali

by time news

In a message addressed to the Leader of the International Mediation, the government of Mali, through the voice of the Minister of National Reconciliation, Colonel Ismaël Wagué, denounces the cases of violations, by certain movements, of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali resulting from the Algiers process, in particular from the coordination of the movements of Azawad CMA. Below are observations on cases of violations by certain movements of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali resulting from the Algiers process.

Your Excellency the Minister

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Mali, I would like to express our thanks to the Government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria for the crucial role that your country, brother, friend and neighbor of Mali, plays in the stability of Mali and the Sahel region. I also reiterate my gratitude for your personal involvement in favor of lasting peace in my country.

As you know, under the impetus of His Excellency Colonel Assimi GOITA, President of the Transition, Head of State, the Government of the Republic of Mali is committed to the peace process initiated since the signing of the Agreement for peace and reconciliation in Mali, resulting from the Algiers process.

In this regard, the Government of Mali has made many efforts to implement the Agreement, which remains the frame of reference for lasting peace and stability in Mali. Mali’s commitment to implement the Agreement is reflected in the involvement of the signatory movements of the Agreement, in the appointment of the President of the Transition, the appointment of their officials within the Government and at the within the National Transitional Council, the legislative body of the Transition.

These officials were also systematically consulted and associated with all the major stages in the life of the Nation, in particular the National Consultations, the National Refoundation Meetings; the drafting of the new Constitution and its finalization in progress.

These confidence-building measures, which reinforce the participative and consensual character of the Transition, materialize the vision of the Head of State, resolutely attached to peace. Contribute to this vision, the permanent dialogue with the actors of the movements, considered as Malians in their own right and the inclusion of the implementation of the Agreement in the Government Action Plan (PAG).

His Excellency Mr. Ramtane LAMAMRA,

Minister of Foreign Affairs and the National Community Abroad of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Leader of the International Mediation-ALGIERS-

The Government’s commitment is also demonstrated by the allocation of budgetary resources specifically dedicated to the development of the northern regions of Mali, in particular through the financing, from own resources, of the Sustainable Development Fund (FDD).

Despite this commitment, it is clear that some movements, specifically those of the CMA, have continued to violate the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, resulting from the Algiers process. The most recent cases of these violations are:

1. The installation of General Staffs by certain armed movements in Gourmah in 2020-2021.

2. The reopening of security posts in the Zones of Kidal, Gao, Ménaka and Timbuktu.

3. Illegal issuance of travel permits to gold panning sites.

4. The installation and implementation of security devices on the illegal gold panning sites of N’Tahaka (south of Gao) and north of Kidal.

5. The refusal to receive the doctors in charge of the fight against Covid-19. 6. Actions hindering the optimal functioning of the Battalions of the Reconstituted Armed Forces (BATFAR).

7. The conduct of TARTIT patrols by unrecognized entities (CSP-PSD) without consultation or agreement from the Government (Kidal, Ménaka, Gao, Timbuktu, Taoudenni).

8. The occupation and the organization of meetings in Anéfis. 9. The operationalization of an Islamic court in Kidal which has already deliberated
on the case of two elements of the BATFAR of Kidal.

10. Securing the city of Kidal by the “CSMAK”, despite the presence of BATFAR. 11. The increasingly manifest collusion with terrorist groups, in violation of relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions, in particular resolutions S/RES/2100 (2013) of 25 April 2013, S/RES/2164 (2014 ) of June 25, 2014, S / RES / 2227 (2015) of June 29, 2015, which, among other things, “demand of all armed groups present in Mali (…)
that they sever all ties with terrorist organizations”.

These flagrant cases of violation of the Agreement are all the more worrying in that they have not given rise to any condemnation from the International Mediation and their perpetrators have never been called to order. I would like to remind you that the International Mediation, as the political guarantor of the Agreement and of compliance with its provisions by the Parties, must fully play its role for its effective implementation.

The attitude of certain movements, followed by the absence of reaction from the mediation, cast a discredit on the latter. This situation hampers the tireless efforts of the international mediation for peace and reconciliation in Mali, thus allowing the enemies of peace to forge a feeling of impunity.

Also, the structures responsible for supporting the implementation of the Agreement, in particular MINUSMA, the Independent Observatory and the International Group of Experts for the sanctions concerning Mali, have never met expectations. Indeed, the inaction of the first, the silence of the second on the violations carried out by certain movements as well as the propensity of the third to go beyond its mandate raise the question of the relevance of these structures.

Faithful to his dual commitment to strengthen security throughout the national territory and restore a peaceful and secure constitutional order, the Head of State has continued to equip the armed and security forces, whose operational successes are eloquent. It also validated a realistic timetable including political reforms and the organization of elections.

I would like to emphasize that the behavior of certain movements constitutes an obstacle to peace, security and development. These cases of violation prevent the creation of a climate of serenity necessary for the return to constitutional order.

Within the framework of the Refoundation of Mali, respect for sovereignty; respect for strategic choices and choice of partners; and taking into account the vital interests of the Malian people, are the principles that serve as a compass. Consequently, the Government will make every effort to achieve its objectives, whatever the cost and the form, while strictly respecting human rights, until the eradication of the last terrorist as well as the complete securing of Mali, so that the people can enjoy the dividends of a long-awaited peace.

Also, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Government, while remaining attached to the intelligent implementation of the agreement, will automatically reject any accusation which would be likely to hold it responsible for the possible consequences of its violation.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurance of my highest and fraternal consideration./.
The Minister

Colonel Major Ismaël WAGUE Commander of the National Order

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