Secrets and lies in psychological yellow, with the six women of Ivan Cotroneo-

by time news
Of Emily Costantini

From 28 February on Rai1 the TV series «Six women. The mystery of Leila» written by Ivan Cotroneo and Monica Rametta, directed by Vincenzo Marra

Anna Conti, prosecutor of the Taranto prosecutor’s office, is an authoritative professional, but she has a problem: alcoholism, which resurfaced after the end of her marriage. And now she happens to face a “case” with several ambiguities: the disappearance of a teenager, Leila, with her stepfather Gregorio of her. “Six women. The Mystery of Leila» is the new TV series in three evenings on Rai1 from 28 February, written by Ivan Cotroneo and Monica Rametta, directed by Vincenzo Marra. Protagonist in the role of pm Maya Sansa, with Alessio Vassallo (Inspector Emanuele Liotta), Silvia Pacente (Leila), Maurizio Lastrico (Gregorio) and with Isabella Ferrari (Viola), Ivana Lotito (Michela), Cristina Parku (Aysha). An Ibc Movie production in collaboration with Rai Fiction.

«We are in a country, Italy, which continues to be patriarchal and the theme of the female universe fascinates me more than ever Cotroneo begins. Women face a series of problems on their own skin every day, in the world of work, where they are paid less than men, in interpersonal relationships, in the family…». Sansa agrees and underlines: «I am half Iranian and I feel very close to the revolution in Iran: there is a theocracy there and, observing what is happening, one realizes how closely it affects us women. We should all be involved in this women’s revolution. I would like us to continue to fight in Italy too for our independence, emancipation, even at an economic level”. At the center of the series revolve the destinies of six women, each with an unmentionable secret. A psychological yellow where nothing is taken for granted. «The common feeling towards the female world hasn’t changed yet – insists Cotroneo – and, even if through a fiction, it seems appropriate to take stock of the situation. The crime news offers us alarming news. Starting with the frightening number of feminicides, many of which could be avoided if the victims could report the abuses and ill-treatment in advance, but this does not happen”.

Cotroneo, television author and successful writer, also made his stage debut with the comedy «Lovers»
, written and directed by him (on stage at the Manzoni in Milan until February 26), where we talk about love, sex, betrayal and marriage. «These are themes that have always belonged to me – says the neo-playwright -. The confrontation between male and female, the breaking of gender stereotypes, the overwhelming force of sex and the devastating force of love». The two protagonists, Claudia (Fabrizia Sacchi) and Giulio (Massimiliano Gallo), respectively married, meet in the office of a psychotherapist: their first physical contact is a simple handshake, but after two months we find them in bed together. «I love the theater very much – he concludes -. I was shy to enter an artistic territory, for which I have great respect, but I accepted the challenge. Unlike television or cinema audiences, theater audiences participate and influence what happens on stage, creating a different event every night».

February 23, 2023 (change February 23, 2023 | 21:13)

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