MC coordinator accompanies in action of unconstitutionality

by time news

He coordinator of the federal deputies of Movimiento Ciudadano, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, went to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in the company of members of his party to present an action of unconstitutionality against Plan B of the electoral reform.

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“We believe that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation is facing the most decisive moment in its history. In Mexico it is known on the day of the presidential election who won it. In Mexico we are certain about the electoral results and we cannot reverse that democratic conquest and return to the times of 1988”, he expressed.

The leader of the orange bench stated that Citizen Movement will defend the country’s democratic system. Jorge Álvarez Máynez pointed out that the government’s intention is to control the elections.

“The government wants control of the elections to impose an anti-democratic will and that cannot be handed over to any government, neither to this one, nor to those who will come. We are here asking the ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to fulfill their historical duty and protect the constitutional rule of law,” he said.

You can also read: Electoral plan B enters into force in the Official Gazette of the Federation; rain of complaints

After the changes to four electoral laws entered into force, the members of Movimiento Ciudadano went to the Supreme Court of Justice this Friday to request the challenge of the electoral reform of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

In addition to the coordinator of the MC deputies, the national coordinator of Movimiento Ciudadano, Dante Delgado and Senator Noé Castañón attended.



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