Claudia Sheinbaum: ‘Putting public policies at the service of the people is the essence of 4T governments’: Sheinbaum

by time news

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo gave a conference masterful this Saturday in Morelia, Michoacán, in a packed Morelos Theater after recalling the essence that distinguishes the governments emanating from the Fourth Transformation.

during a work tour in this entity, the head of the Government of Mexico City shared the strategies of his administration that reflect “Mexican humanism”, a term coined by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to refer to the moral principles that the governments of Morena must share and that she promotes in various forums as the moral basis of her work as a public servant.

Sheinbaum Pardo was interrupted in various occasions with expressions like Michoacán will take you to the National Palace! and You’re going to be president!, so she called the attendees to continue with the defense of the historical movement that the country is experiencing and that should be a reason for pride, by listing the results and advances in terms of development and well-being of the most marginalized populations of Mexico City, thanks to the maxim of “first the poor”which is evident in his government actions.

The morenista allowed herself to be cuddled for those who insisted on taking a picture, greeting her and hugging her or chatting with her for just a few minutes.

The Governor of Michoacan, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, was in charge of giving the floor to her capital city counterpart, in whom she recognizes a woman of social principles deep and born leader with the ability to give continuity to what President López Obrador began in 2018, being one of the few women who have accompanied the president since his beginnings as founder of Morena.

celebrated the success of public policies of the Morenista in the capital and announced that several of them will be replicated in the Michoacan entity due to the scope they have had, such as the Cablebús, in Uruapan, and the Metrobús, in the city of Moreliapractices with good results that favor those who have less.

Before their conference, the head of government and the state governor made a work table with municipal presidents in which they announced the launch of the platform “Michoacan Key”, as part of the monitoring of a framework agreement signed by both administrations a year ago, with which the entity becomes the first in the country to replicate it.

“The objective is to put at the service of Michoacán what we learned in Mexico City in the digitization of procedures, with which we met three objectives: eradicate corruption at the windows, since doing digital procedures omits the possibility of interacting with public servants; improve the relationship with the government, since rows and cumbersome processes are eliminated and; finally, put science and technology at the service of the people”, said the head of government.

Just like in CDMX, “Michoacan Key” It will allow people to be authenticated remotely and digitally. Once the citizens have it, the door of digital transactions government more easily and efficiently.

To the date, 5 million citizens of the capital are users of “Llave CDMX”, that is, 75 percent of the adult population of the city.

Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla thanked the accompaniment received by Sheinbaum Pardo for the implementation of this tool and endorsed his commitment to continue the coordinated work, especially to replicate successful experiences of the capital government in his state.



  • Michoacan
  • Claudia Sheinbaum

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