How I first searched for a man online

by time news

When our author became single again after twelve years, she ventured into the world of digital dating. A field report.

In free fall into the unknownEmir Šehanović for the Berliner Zeitung at the weekend

In the last decade, there have been two things I’ve been proud of, for reasons entirely inexplicable. First: I have never eaten a doner kebab. Second, I’ve never seen the inside of a dating app. What does that say about me? That I don’t like eating meat, I’m probably and pretty sure in a relationship, or rather I was. Spoiler alert: I’ve tried both now, and I’m absolutely addicted to one!

I was in a committed relationship for twelve years. Twelve years! That’s two years longer than Tinder. That makes giant after Adam? Exactly, getting to know each other far away from matches and super matches. Quite old school, with looks, a shy smile, followed by a long chat, before sharing the taxi home. Back then we got to know each other in a way that was analogue, Mark Zuckerberg would fall off his chair.

“Where do you like to spend a hot summer day?”

That an app can replace such getting to know each other was beyond my imagination. And with this point of view I didn’t hold back either. As soon as the topic of dating apps came up, I was the first to throw in my extra dose of mustard. Despite the fact that I was usually the only one in the group who had no experience in the field. But how should an app replace the excitement, the appraisal, the poker, the first contact of a real meeting? Don’t facial expressions, gestures and a circle of friends say more about a person than a photo and an answer to the question of where you prefer to spend a hot summer’s day?

I know this question because I downloaded such an app for the first time a few days ago. A yellow one, whose logo is intended to resemble a honeycomb. Because suddenly what they there, the curiosity. Can you try it? At least I wanted to know what to expect in there. Just like back then, when I first visited Berghain. I don’t know if I like it there, but at least I saw the inside of the store. What’s going to happen?