The assault in the night and the pool of blood: missionary killed in Peru

by time news

It was killed with machetes in Peru the missionary Nadia de munari, originally from Giavenale di Schio, in the province of Vicenza. The 50-year-old was in charge of the “Mamma mia” center in Nuevo Chimbote, and was in Peru with Operation Mato Grosso, when she was murdered on Wednesday 22 April.

To bring back the brutal murder it is the Giornale di Vicenza, where we read that the missionary was attacked in her sleep. On the morning of Thursday 23, not seeing her arrive at the 6:30 prayer as usual, the other volunteers went to her room, where they found the woman in bed, in a pool of blood. The woman was rushed to the hospital and underwent an emergency surgery, but the efforts of the doctors were useless: Nadia died a few hours later due to serious injuries.

At the moment the Farnesina has confirmed the death of the woman, while the local police who are investigating the crime have announced that the murder could be the result of a robbery ended badly. As reported by Rai News Veneto, Nadia De Munari worked as a missionary since 1995, providing food to the needy and taking care of the children of Nuevo Chimbote, a dangerous slum. “Nadia’s mother said her daughter is a martyr “, said the parish priest of Schio, Nadia Munari’s hometown, in Adnkronos. Don Gaetano Santagiuliano continues by telling the extraordinary work that the missionary had been carrying out for years in Peru: “words that could not be truer because Nadia gave her life, she put blood in it. Nadia came home every two or three years and was enthusiastic, proud of the service she did with the Mato Grosso operation. She ran six kindergartens and the primary school in a run-down suburb two hours from Lima “.

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