The left is divided into three fronts to surround Ayuso: education, health and housing

by time news

Education, health and housing. These are being the three fronts that, during these months, the left has been using to put the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

Three very different themes that, at the gates of the electoral campaign, seem to have been divided between the three main opposition parties: PSOE, More Madrid and Podemos.

And it is that, if the spokesperson and Más Madrid candidate, Mónica Garcíaalready positioned itself in the previous electoral elections as the health voice of the campaign, now it is up to Alejandra Jacinto and Juan Lobato to find their place.

[Todos quieren ser Más Madrid: el PSOE y Vox se inspiran en sus campañas sobre “lo que importa”]

They have done so with issues that concern (and occupy) the people of Madrid. In the case of Education, Juan Lobato He has marked his line of attack since September. In the debate on the State of the Region, he launched one of the most popular proposals (even more than those of Ayuso herself): Schools open 12 hours.

His approach raised criticism from the population and went viral, but, when it was explained, it was understood and gained many followers. It wasn’t about have class from 7 in the morning to 7 in the afternoon during all the months of the year. The project intends to offer extracurricular classes or, simply, a place where minors can be to improve work-life balance within the family.

[Lobato cierra las listas del PSOE: la educación como punto fuerte y caras nuevas de su máxima confianza]

This measure has been followed by others, such as increasing Education resources and expanding the number of places in the Professional Training (FP) or that in all schools there is, on staff, a nurse and a psychologist. Something that has been requested by health professionals and teachers’ associations for years.

All this would have remained in electoral promises if it were not for the coup on the table that he gave that same Friday and that, foreseeably, will be ratified this Sunday. Your list for the 2023 regional elections.

The socialist candidate to preside over the Community of Madrid, Juan Lobato.

Sara Fernandez

Number three on Juan Lobato’s list is Esteban Álvarez. A personal signing of the socialist who represents that clear commitment to education. Álvarez is known in educational circles outside and within Madrid and is currently president of the Association of Directors of Public Institutes of Madrid (Adimad). At a time when the Community is more committed to building private or mixed management schools than public ones, his signing is a declaration of intent.

More Madrid

Although it is true that health is centering the political debate due to the Primary Care strike, Monica Garcia He has used his role as “doctor and mother” since he made himself known in the 4-M elections.

In fact, even the government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso has given him the merit of carrying the flag of the health opposition after calling the union calling the strike, AMYTS, “the union of Mónica García.” Something that is false.

Mónica García, candidate of Más Madrid to preside over the Community.

Mónica García, candidate of Más Madrid to preside over the Community.

Sara Fernandez

As in education or housing, the rest of the parties have also made all kinds of proposals in health matters. Even so, García has been one of those who has been closest to the professional group thanks to his figure and that of Javier Padilla, Primary Care doctor and deputy of Más Madrid in the Assembly.

His proposals in this area are always focused on reducing waiting lists, creating a pool of professionals with better salaries and “deprivatize” essential services of hospitals and health centers such as cleaning, transport, maintenance or food.

Mónica García has reiterated on several occasions that she knows healthcare “like the back of my hand”, something she did during the presentation of her plan to revive regional public health, endowed with 6,100 million euros spread over four years of legislature.

We can

For his part, Alejandra Jacinto He has opted for housing, also playing a very personal trick. The Podemos candidate is a member of the Legal Commission of the Platform of People Affected by the Mortgage and vice president of the Free Association of Lawyers and Lawyers of Madrid.

In her professional practice as a lawyer, she has fought against the Blackstones, as she explained in her interview with Madrid Total, where he accused Ayuso of having created a “tax haven”.

Alejandra Jacinto.

Alejandra Jacinto.

laura matthew

Among the measures that the party has already proposed, the one to prohibit buying housing for foreigners in Madrid if they already have a property in the region and generate a Blackstone tax to lower the rental price.

Specifically, Alejandra Jacinto has raised several proposals on housing matters to the Madrid Assembly and has made several electoral promises such as establishing the veto right of any neighbor when installing a tourist home. Also the creation of a public real estate agency that is capable of lowering prices and increasing the public housing stock.

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