To fix the emotions it is important to sleep-

by time news

A good dose of sleep is necessary to impress an emotion in the memory: this was demonstrated by a recent research from the University of Michigan, which highlighted the importance of sleep for memorization processes. According to the study, published in the scientific journal Nature, it is not enough to experience an emotion to consolidate the memory in the mind, but rather it is essential that, during sleep, the memory is processed by specific neurons present in the area in the primary visual cortex. Only in this way can the memory be carved into the mind and properly hooked to the emotion. In cases of sleep deprivation, or irregular sleep, the activity of the neurons is disturbed and this process does not occur regularly. The investigation was performed on animal guinea pigs, but the results could also be adapted to humans, providing useful information in the future especially in the management of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorders and allowing to add a further step to the benefits of sleep. Sleeping, in fact, promotes concentration, strengthens the immune defenses and supports psychophysical well-being. The brain activity that occurs while we sleep also allows us to process the stimuli we receive daily: if some information is immediately forgotten or discarded, others are instead saved, as in an archive, in the short-term memory. it is during sleep that this information is reprocessed, and some of it moved into long-term memory to be available to us at the right time. Although we spend about a third of our lives sleeping, sleep is a behavior we still have a lot to discover about. Certainly, however, we know this: dedicating the right amount of time (possibly around 7-8 per night) to him, which is important for our mental and physical well-being.

April 25, 2021 (change April 25, 2021 | 10:36 am)


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