Report: Arms shipments from Israel to Azerbaijan continue even more vigorously

by time news

The “time” investigation (Avi Sharaf and Oded Yaron), which is based on visible aviation data, reveals that in the last seven years, 92 cargo flights of the Azeri company Silkway have landed at the Ovda base in the south. Ovda is the only airport in Israel from which explosives are allowed to be flown.

Israel and Azerbaijan have had arms trade relations for several decades. According to publications in the foreign media, in return, Azerbaijan supplies Israel with oil and access to Iran.

“The Silkway company is one of the largest cargo flying companies in Asia, and according to its official documents, it serves as a subcontractor for various defense ministries in the world. The company operates about three flights a week between Baku and Tbilisi, using Boeing 747 cargo planes, and last year it was the third largest foreign company in terms of the volume of cargo flights to Tbilisi, according to the investigation.

“The Silkway company was even at the center of an investigation published in the Czech press in 2018, according to which weapons whose sale to Azerbaijan was prohibited were flown there despite the embargo – in a roundabout deal through Israel.”

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