Why the West Bank is sinking into chaos

by time news

On February 26, hundreds of young Israeli settlers attacked the shops, homes and vehicles of Huwara residents with impunity. JAAFAR ASHTIYEH/AFP

DECRYPTION – The punitive expedition carried out last week in response to the murder of two Israelis near Nablus illustrates the loss of control of the army as of the Palestinian Authority.

Correspondent in Jerusalem

Nothing seems able to curb the spiral of violence into which the West Bank is sinking. Is the occupied territory still under the control of the Israeli army and the Palestinian Authority? The events of recent days cast doubt on their ability to keep control of the situation. While the Palestinian Authority is increasingly discredited and cut off from its population, the Israeli army suffers from the divisions within the government, which emerged in broad daylight after the ransacking of the village of Huwara, a week ago. They are due to the reorganization of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, orchestrated since the return of Benyamin Netanyahu to power in early January.

The latest attack dates back to Friday evening, near Hebron, south of Jerusalem, when a Palestinian shot at an Israeli’s car, wounding him. It was the third of its kind in a week. The previous two, Monday February 27, near Jericho

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