Pain in the head on the left side, why? Has it happened to you?

by time news

He pain in the head can feel from left sideof the right side or on some occasions we don’t know how to say where it comes from, but it feels there. Headache can be caused by various factors: a coupnot drinking enough water, having a lot stress or not have eaten. However, you always have to be aware of the origin of this discomfort.

Why does my head hurt on one side?

The headache may cause pain on one side of the head or both parts. The headaches They are divided into primaries and secondaries.

A primary headache is caused by some problem in the head like migraine or headache in clusters or tension. The secondary headache occurs when any disease interferes with the nerves head who are sensitive to pain.

Pain in the head on the left side, why? Has it happened to you? Photo iStock

Why does the left side of my hundred hurt?

It is common, but you have to be aware of the origin to know if it is something irrelevant or the opposite. He pain it can appear suddenly or slowly, it can be sharp or stabbing.

It can affect only the head or reach the eyes and neck. If to that discomfort you add another symptom such as fever, mental confusion or others, it could be a bigger problem.

He rebound effect It can be present after consuming some medications or by excessive consumption of them. Those medicines are: aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and acetaminophen.

When we get sick with the flu or have an allergy, the sinus passages can become blocked, causing pain in the head.

In the most severe cases, meningitis or encephalitis can cause painAccompanied by symptoms delicate as seizures and fever.

Consuming unhealthy foods or substances may be the causes of pain in the head on the left side.

When you are stressed the muscles in your body tense up and there are chemical changes that send a signal to the brainas noted by the United States National Library of Medicine.

Not feeding yourself correctly can be the cause of pain. He brain You need glucose, which you get from food. If you don’t eat anything in a long time, the discomfort will be present. In fact, there are also some foods that can affect it.

Sleeping few hours or suffering from insomnia also cause discomfort in the head.

Wear very tight accessories in the head They also cause pain.

Neurological problems also cause pain in the head:

– Temporal arteritis or giant cell arteritis. It is due to inflammation of the blood vessels in the head.

– Occipital neuralgia. It is the irritation of the nerves that are in the base of skull and the upper part of the neck. Can cause pain on the left side of the head or back. It is an intense, severe and stabbing pain.

– Trigeminal neuralgia. The pain invades the face and can reach the head.

Pain in the head on the left side, why? Has it happened to you? Photo iStock

When is a headache dangerous?

You should see your doctor if:

° feel inconvenience frequently and the pain gets worse over time.

° In case you have suffered a blow to the head.

° If you suffer Sight loss or there is double vision.

° In case of neck stiffness.

° When there is weakness, numbness, loss of consciousness or confusion.

° If there is trouble moving or talking.

Also consider these conditions:

° cerebrovascular accident. There may be bleeding in the brain or also because of the blockage in the blood flow by a clot.

° Concussion. Injury traumatic brain injury as a result of a blow.

° Glaucoma. This eye problem causes severe pain in the head, blurred vision, and pain in the eyes.

° High blood pressure. Hypertension does not cause symptoms, but some people do experience discomfort in the head.

° Tumor cerebral. There are no specific symptoms, but there may be intense headache.

Remember that in case of any inconvenience or pain in the head on the left sideit will be best to go to the doctor to avoid a bigger problem.

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