« No looting, no balkanization, no wars » in DRC – acpcongo

by time news

Kinshasa, March 6th2023, (CPA). –The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must be exempted from looting, balkanization and wars, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday in a joint press conference held at the Palace of the Nation with his counterpart Felix Tshisekedi, the CPA noted.

« The Democratic Republic of Congo must not be spoils of war. The open-air looting of the Democratic Republic of Congo must stop. No looting, no balkanization, no wars, » President Macron said in the Congolese capital, the last stop on his tour that took him to Gabon, Angola and Congo-Brazzaville.

« I will say clearly that as we see the situation today, we condemn all forms of looting, balkanization and threats to sovereignty. I am ready to open all the files that are, I do it with Rwanda if it is the wish of President Tshisekedi, I am totally in favor of a commission of historians to assign responsibilities to some and others, » said the French Head of State.

Emmanuel Macron recalled the links between his country and the DRC, stating that « France is an ally of the DRC and will continue to be so ». He also referred to the impunity observed in the face of crimes and violence perpetrated in Congo-Kinshasa, and encouraged the initiative of its authorities to establish transitional justice.

« For France, transitional justice is the key, some of the culprits are not sometimes tried, they are still in positions of responsibility, » he lamented.

Unacceptable situation

« But very clearly, this situation has taken an unacceptable course. Yes, to get to the truth of the story, not to take all the burdens. And if we are clear, let’s be clear to the end, including the Congolese responsibilities and those of the sub-region, » he nevertheless insisted.

Finally, President Macron invited the Congolese authorities to take the security issue and neighborhood tensions head on.

« Build a solid army, build state security throughout the country, and ensure transitional justice so that you do not have war criminals still in charge on the ground. Be tough with all the neighbors in the region when they come to loot you, and we will be on your side, » advised the French president.

On the humanitarian side, Macron reassured that France will be at the forefront of states responding to the humanitarian emergency launched by the United Nations for more than 500,000 displaced people in eastern DRC, with an envelope of 34 million Euros.

Speaking about DRC-France cooperation, President Macron maintained that other partnerships are planned, particularly in the military, economic and cultural fields, but also in scientific and technological research.

Paths for even greater DRC-France cooperation

Embrace between the two Heads of State

For his part, President Félix Tshisekedi said that at the end of the talks with his French counterpart, avenues were mapped out for even greater cooperation between their respective countries.

« Relations between the DRC and the French Republic are at a good level, and after the discussion we had, I can say that we have traced the tracks of an even more important cooperation, » he said.

Félix Tshisekedi recalled, with regard to the worrying situation linked to insecurity in the East of the DRC, the different stages of the peace process under the mediation of Luanda, with « resolutions that have remained dead letters until now » and which, according to him, « have led to nothing while the M23 terrorists continue their escape and kill ».

Cooperation between partners

« President Macron recently outlined his vision for the new French policy in Africa. I encourage him in this regard, because I believe that Francafrique is outdated, and that if France wants to compete today with all other partners of Africa, it must be in tune with African policy in relation to what the African people want (…), » he said.

Félix Tshisekedi also said that during their tête-à-tête, several points were discussed, including those relating to economic exchanges between the two countries, as well as forest management.

« As you know, today our forest is the first lung of humanity, and a formidable asset in the fight against global warming. Here, too, we developed a series of important ideas and reached important conclusions, » said Félix Tshisekedi.

« I was pleased to see that France was keen to get involved in this competition, in business in the DRC, in a win-win partnership, » he said, referring to the new economic partnership in sight.

Félix Tshisekedi finally said his intention to see the voter registration operations cover the whole country. Hence the need for the international community, he said, to work for a definitive return of peace in the east of the country, to allow the INEC to deploy its kits in the part affected by the M23 terrorism supported by Rwanda.


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