Tamil News | Confidence to crawl into the exam room

by time news
Students reach the exam center by 8:30 AM to avoid a lot of tension. Then you can go back to the hard subjects when you have time. Then you should avoid studying anew.

The only thing to keep in mind is to clear the Plus 2 exam well. Do not give room to any other thoughts. According to the rules, students should avoid prohibited items including shoes, slippers, handkerchiefs in advance.

After ringing the first ‘bell’ at 9:45 am, enter the examination hall. After going, they should sit in the place indicated by their registration number. Don’t think that ‘you can go to the places where your friends write and come back’. At 9:55 two bells will be rung. Then the invigilator will distribute the question paper in the sealed cover inside the exam room in front of the students. He will call two students to confirm it and get signatures.

Three bells are rung at 10:00 am. Then the question paper will be delivered to the student seat. 10:00 AM to 10:10 AM is the time for students to study the question paper. Then read very carefully and plan which known questions to write first. After 10:10 AM ‘Answer Script’ and ‘Top Sheet’ will be issued. All information including date, registration number, date of birth, school name should be filled carefully. Five bells will be rung at 10:15. Then you can start writing the exam.

A ‘bell’ is rung every half hour. Students can manage their time by observing it. A ‘warning bell’ will be rung at 1:10 pm. Then all the additional purchased answer sheets should be tied with the main sheet.

Don’t be distracted

Make sure that the question numbers are correctly indicated and if there are any blank pages, use a ‘scale’ and strike off that space with a long line. The ‘Long Bell’ will be rung at 1:15 pm. Then answer sheet should be given.

Many distractions are likely to arise while taking the exam inside the room. For example, visiting officials, Air force unit visit, students should not notice anyone entering the room and focus only on writing the exam. Do not write anything other than registration number on the question paper, ‘tick’, ’round’ the questions.

Writing well known questions first will give you a good head start mentally. If you write an exam one day and leave, don’t think about it and prepare for the next exam. Following these can turn the exam room into a confidence crawling place. Go with confidence; Win the exam.

– Nirmala Kumari, Principal, Seethalakshmi Girls Higher Secondary School, Madurai. 63835 43206


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