“I see my profession as a mission, especially in this period”

by time news

When Einav Sabinzer was at the height of her studies, she received an offer to work at the call center of Bank Mizrahi Tefahot as a student. She started working at the bank’s mortgage call center part-time and although she studied a bachelor’s and master’s degree in business administration, she enjoyed working at the bank and thus found herself advancing in positions over the years.

Over the years she worked as a mortgage consultant, then a mortgage team leader and over the years she gained a lot of experience, which she wanted to express independently and objectively. “I felt that I could break through and manage myself, manage and initiate processes,” she says about the need to work independently.

After the birth of her third child, she decided to make the move, left the bank and opened an independent office. At the same time, she also began serving as the Southern District Manager of the Association of Mortgage Consultants and is also a lecturer in the field for colleges and various organizations. Together with another employee, the firm provides a mortgage consulting service for housing and businesses: “I see the profession as a mission, I try to charge a fair fee and advise young couples and people who have encountered difficulties with a mortgage,” she says.

A difficult period in the field of mortgages requires creativity

At a time when the interest rate is only climbing upwards, it is all the more important for Einav to give professional advice based on the extensive experience she has gained. The fact that it is an emerging market makes her appreciate even more the extensive experience she has gained, and thus she manages to provide her customers with the best. “There is no regulation, anyone can come and prove themselves as mortgage consultants, and we are dealing with big money here, this is the biggest deal people make in their lives and I take that into account.”

For Einav, creativity, deep thought and relationships with the people who come to her for advice are the heart of the profession. “I truly enjoy being involved in such a big deal in people’s lives, feeling that I am helping them and simplifying the process for them. I treat every case as if it were my own, some people just hear the word mortgage and get scared, but I make the issue simple, get them A simple deal and saves them money, my reward is the feeling I have after I close a case.”

Einav never stops and is in a constant trend of improvement, she even gives feedback to her customers to always have her finger on the pulse. She works in a female environment and as the district manager she has two deputies: “I am very comfortable working with women, the uniqueness of my office is inclusiveness, attention and dedication, we put our heart into every case and see the best interests of the client before our eyes. I don’t see the client as a bag of Money, if the deal is big on him, I won’t be ashamed to tell him that even at the price of not having a case.”

For new consultants in the field, she offers to study the profession in depth, to work in the field as an employee for a period of time and to take on different types of cases. “This is the best way to get into the field. Everyone today wants to be CEO, but customers feel good if someone doesn’t know the field in depth.”

And for Women’s Day, she has a message for women everywhere: “Believe in yourself, don’t be afraid. For years I wanted to leave the bank and out of fear I stayed, and it’s a shame that I missed so many years. We have strength in us and we need to know how to channel it and break through in a big way.”

Palmach 75/3 Beer Sheva

Email – [email protected]

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