“I don’t preach to theologians, but to teenagers”, says Vitória Souza

by time news

With more than 2.5 million followers on Instagram alone, 17-year-old Vitória Souza can already be considered a social media phenomenon. Called a pastor by some and criticized by others, the teenager claims that her goal is not to “preach for the theologian”, but for young people.

Vitória Souza gave an interview where she opined on the impact of her name. Videos of the teenager preaching have thousands of views and have become the target of praise and criticism in recent days.

“There are people who say that I should talk more about theology, but I don’t want to preach to the theologian, because he knows the bible. I want to preach to a teenager who doesn’t know [a bíblia]”, said Vitória to the newspaper Folha de São Paulo.

The teenager’s comment is not by chance. As reported by GospelMais, pastors reacted with concern about Vitória’s lightning fame. Theologian and author of several books, pastor Renato Vargens even said that his messages have no biblical basis.

“I think the girl needs instruction, discipleship and a pastor from a church who can guide her regarding the Word of God”, said Vargens, who added: “Clearly she uses coaching to speak on behalf of God, without, however, demonstrating biblical and theological content that glorifies the Lord”.

Vitória Souza, however, is convinced that she is doing the right thing. About the analogies she makes, usually using everyday objects and situations as an example, the young woman said that her goal is to make messages more understandable.

“A parable is like an illustration. A lot of people can’t understand the bible if you just open it up and explain, the person can’t interpret it. Even an adult, mature person can have difficulty. Imagine then explaining it to a child ”, she argued.

following suit

Vitória Souza is the daughter of a pastor, who leads a church in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo. She said that she started preaching at the age of 4, following her father’s example. Instead of dolls and other children’s games, the teenager liked to play “cultinho”.

“My favorite game was ‘cult’. There are girls who take dolls and play school, but I would take a chair, put the bible, then I would take a deodorant or a television control as a microphone and I would stay there playing that it was a cult ”, he said.

Regarding the criticism she receives in theological circles, the young preacher seems to react with a certain naturalness. This is because, for Vitória, the way in which she conveys her thoughts has reached different audiences.

“It sounds crazy, but I think it’s really good,” she said. “I’ve seen myself on entertainment and gossip pages. And have you ever seen a ministration go into these places? Only when it’s negative news or scandal. And I fell in there like the pastor who goes viral because she’s preaching the gospel.”

Regardless of opinions, the fact is that Vitória Souza is a consolidated influencer and has the power of oratory as a great tool. Aware of this, the young woman intends to continue on this path, which she already has followers at home, where she has two sisters aged 3 and 7.

“The cell phone is a tool that can either help you or destroy you, and parents have to know how to instruct their children”, she said, referring to one of the sisters. “She says she wants to grow up like me, talk like me, be like me. Like it or not, God has raised up this generation to be an inspiration, and I am in the midst.”

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