Unemployed: Requirements to collect 1,500 euros per month for unemployment

by time news

Sunday, March 5, 2023, 11:53 p.m.

The unemployment benefit protects the person who has been left without a job for a while. Its amount will depend on the bases for which you have contributed in the last 180 days of work, with limits set by law. At most, this year 2023 you can charge 1,575 euros per month.

To receive the popularly known as ‘unemployment’, a series of requirements must be met. Among them, being registered as a job seeker in the Inem (or Lanbide in the Basque case) and having paid unemployment contributions for at least 360 days within the six years prior to the moment in which the person loses work.

Delivery time

For how long is the benefit charged? It will depend on the contributions made in the last 6 years of work, but it will always be between a minimum of 4 months -when the person has contributed between 360 and 539 days- and a maximum of two years -for having contributed for 2,160 days in forward-.

Regarding the amount, it represents a percentage of the regulatory base, which is the average of the contribution base during the last 180 days worked without taking overtime into account. As a general rule, the daily amount of the benefit is 70% during the first six months (180 days) and 60% from that moment until the two-year birthday.

The amounts cannot be higher than the maximum limit or lower than the minimum, and will depend on whether or not the beneficiary has dependent children. Those under 26 years of age or older with a recognized disability are considered as such and if they live with it and have an income below the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI).

Maximum amounts for 2023

– In the case of an unemployed person without children, it is set at 175% of the Multiple Effects Public Income Indicator (IPREM), increased by one sixth. That is, 1,225 euros per month. To collect this amount, the beneficiary must have contributed in the six months prior to becoming unemployed for a base of at least 1,750 euros.

– Unemployed with a dependent child. It corresponds to a maximum of 200% of the IPREM increased by one sixth: 1,400 euros per month. Therefore, in order to receive this cap, the contribution base must have been at least 2,000 euros.

– Unemployed with two or more dependent children: 225% of the IPREM increased by one sixth. That is, 1,575 euros per month. To reach this figure, the maximum contemplated by law, you must have contributed for a base of 2,250 euros.

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