Need self-discipline to succeed in sports-Cricket team captain advises

by time news


Managiri Raja Vidya Vikas near Karaikudi, Sivagangai District. 5th Sports Festival was held in CBSE High School. School principal Ayyappan presided over the ceremony and accepted the team class honors from the students. While speaking, special attention is given to agriculture in this school.

Students are playing well. All I say to the parents who are here in large numbers is to encourage your children to do well in the field of sports as well. He said that sports are very important to become the best school in the state.

The flag hoisting ceremony was followed by the Olympic torch relay. Sachin Siva, captain of the Indian cricket team for the differently abled, was the special guest. While speaking, the Indian disabled cricket team has achieved various achievements. Central and state governments are taking various initiatives to promote this cricket team.

In today’s scenario cricket is not only the biggest pastime but also brings name, fame and money to the players. A year or two is not enough to achieve in a field. It was only after my 14 years of hard work that I was able to achieve a certain growth.

You students can easily achieve when we physically challenged achieve. A moral life can be made available to a man through sports. He said that self-discipline is the key factor for success in sports.

Earlier the principal of the school Dr. Aishwarya Devi welcomed. More than 20 athletic competitions were held including running race, discus throw and long jump. Along with sports training arts programs, action form of heroic sports including chimpanzee and taekwondo also took place. The Red House team was chosen as the overall champion. The Blue House team came second. Trustee Priyadarshini Ayyappan distributed the prizes to the winners.

Karaikudi Kid and Kim College Executive Director Dr. Jayaraja, Academic Director Dr. Nixon Azaria College Principal Dr. Parthasarathy and others gave greetings. Physical education directors Palaniappan, Manoj and teachers made arrangements for the function.

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