Konstanz: Private donations for climate protection – Which projects should be paid for from the climate fund?

by time news

A dropout rate of 97 percent. This number is in the template with which Joachim Helff from the financial sector in the municipal council advertised for start-up help for the Constance climate fund. It refers to the CO2calculator that calculates a sum of money for interested parties to offset their personal CO2balance sheet can donate to the climate fund.

However, this online calculator from the city of Konstanz is currently so complicated that only three percent of people can get through to the end. And so the donations from citizens as a contribution to climate protection have so far been small. From October last year until the end of 2022, around 20,000 euros were raised.

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In order for the climate fund of the city of Konstanz to become more visible, the municipal council has now approved start-up financing of 100,000 euros for the project. The money is to be carried over to the 2023 budget year from the remaining funds from the previous year. Apart from the lack of donations, the climate fund has developed well so far, said Helff in the municipal council.

Since last year there has been a fundraising position occupied by Birgit Zauner, through which funds are raised. In addition, the donation process has been simplified. Nevertheless, the first concrete measures from the climate fund must now be implemented in order to show citizens and companies that their donations are being used in a targeted manner, says Joachim Helff.

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The first three projects were discussed. A solar school field is to be set up under the motto “Every Constance child should sow, harvest and eat a carrot”. For this purpose, an area was envisaged in the Hockgraben where schoolchildren can experience agriculture. On the other hand, the area is to become a show garden for PV modules, the electricity yield of which should help cover the costs of the project. The solar school field was very popular with local councils because it could bring young people out into nature.

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However, some municipal councils were critical of another project: Jürgen Ruff (SPD) saw no connection between the establishment of a “library of old varieties” and climate protection. The term hides a collection of plant seeds in the city library. “Please do not mix with projects that are only marginally related to climate protection,” says Ruff about the measure.

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The third project presented, called “Climate Trees for Clubs”, also falls under such a mix for Ruff. Clubs are to be supported in planting their grounds. “A tree has very little impact on climate protection,” says Ruff.

The SPD Council received encouragement from Verena Vögt from the Young Forum Konstanz, while Jürgen Faden from the Free Voters took the opposite position. “I find it fatal to claim that climate trees are useless,” said Faden. You have to send the signal to the outside world that the climate fund is a good thing.

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Despite the criticism that was raised, the draft resolution passed the municipal council in its entirety, i.e. with all three projects presented. An acceleration of the donation process was also approved. Donations under 2500 euros should no longer be submitted to the municipal council for approval and donation receipts should be issued more quickly.

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