The reform of the judicial system: the former commander of the 69th squadron against the pilots’ protest

by time news

Col. (Res.) Meir Most, former commander of Squadron 69, spoke today (Monday) with Sgt. Arel and Chaim Levinson on their program on 103FM, and referred to the announcement of the 37 reserve pilots who announced that they would not show up for training this week, as a protest against the legal reform. “I’m in favor of dialogue, of course, and I think it’s a necessary step and all, but we need to continue with the reform. I think all the riots and everything that’s happening, and we see it all around us, including the part about the refusals – it’s not about the reform,” he noted.

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He attacked: “It’s against whoever is currently there and whoever was elected in legitimate elections, that’s one thing. I think that the issue of refusal, it doesn’t matter at all if it’s only for training or only on a certain day, it’s semantics in my opinion. It’s forbidden to use this tool, it shouldn’t be in a box The tools. The part of the refusal is not something that can be chosen as a tool to fight against some kind of intention to carry out reform or other things.”

“The army and air force does not belong to the government, it does not belong to any party, it belongs to our country, therefore the issue of refusal should not be used as a tool to attack one political party or another. I serve and go on any mission – now I no longer do, because I am a Hatyar, but In the past – it didn’t matter who was in power at the moment and it didn’t matter who was the prime minister, so it’s not relevant at all,” he noted.

He also said: “Political debates are legitimate, argue as much as you want, don’t bring it into the IDF, don’t appropriate the IDF’s section into politics and not the other way around. I come out and denounce the issue of refusals as a phenomenon, I denounce it, stop With that one and smooth.”

At the end, he delivered a message: “The citizens are afraid. They keep telling us, ‘The best at flying, this is the most important force,’ so they ask themselves, ‘Are we brothers on probation? Very worrying, I think this phenomenon is indeed on the fringes, but it is very dangerous , and therefore I think that we should come out against this thing with all our strength and with all our strength, but it is still on the fringes of the fringes.”

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