Superbonus 110% and extension to 2023, the latest news

by time news

Superbonus 110% and extension to 2023, we are moving towards the solution. According to the latest news, the Council of Ministers postponed this morning will be held tonight at 21.30. It is learned from Palazzo Chigi. According to today’s news, the tensions on the superbonus, which would be financed only until 2022, are among the reasons that led to the postponement of the CDM.

The text, assured by Palazzo Chigi, is in the pipeline, “we are closing it. To delay the CDM, a series of political issues, starting with the extension of the building super bonus to 2023.

Prime Minister Mario Draghi, according to Adnkronos, would have reassured the M5S on the coverage of the superbonus until 2023. There will be, it is certain, the reassurance that came to the grillini from the Prime Minister. Draghi would have explained to the 5 Stars that the covers will be checked annually according to the ‘draft’. That is how many resources are spent based on the jobs. Reassurances on coverage should also arrive in the Prime Minister’s speech on Monday and Tuesday in the House and Senate.

The resources for the coverage of the superbonus on construction for 2023 will be in the next maneuver, is the confirmation that comes from the Minister of Economy Daniele Franco to the head of delegation of Fi Maria Stella Gelmini, according to blue sources. In fact, in the Pnrr there are coverage for the measure only until 2022 (18 billion), another 10 billion would be missing. Which, Franco would have explained to Gelmini, will be included in the autumn budget law.

“After weeks of work, we are happy to see that in the PNRR there are over 10 billion euros for the Superbonus. In addition, there are another 8 billion euros in the investment fund. The delegation of the 5 Star Movement in Cdm will ask for guarantees in black and white so that in the next economic measures it will be extended to 2023 “, wrote the M5S delegation in government, composed of ministers Stefano Patuanelli, Federico D’Incà, Luigi Di Maio and Fabiana Dadone in a note.

Giuseppe Conte also intervened on this point, for whom “the superbonus 110% is a fundamental measure to allow not only to safeguard our planet and significantly reduce emissions, but also to allow millions of families to save on the costs of ‘energy and to make their homes safer on the anti-seismic level “.

“Not only that – remarked the former premier and now leader in pectore of the M5S in a post on Facebook – with the superbonus we are investing in an old real estate assets, thousands of jobs are being created with construction sites spread throughout the territory. . To date, despite the difficulties created by the pandemic, over 10,000 construction sites have already been started throughout Italy for a value of over € 1 billion. The presence of the superbonus in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is therefore essential. We cannot afford to create uncertainty about the future of this measure: construction sites would be blocked and the expectations of millions of families and thousands of businesses and professionals would inexplicably remain unfulfilled “.

“The Parliament has expressed itself in a clear and compact way – recalls the former Prime Minister – on the need to extend the superbonus at least until 2023 to all subjects and all types of buildings. All production categories consider it fundamental to revive the construction sector and give certainty to investments. This government has embraced the turning point of the ecological transition and for this we must be consequent. The measure of the superbonus must be extended until 2023 and, indeed, it is necessary to intervene to make it even more simplified. strong and clear political signals. Our citizens, families and businesses ask for certainties “.

Even in the Democratic Party there are those who are urging the release of resources and the extension of the provision: “I am in favor of the 110% Superbonus until 2023. It helps businesses, secures homes, reduces emissions. It must absolutely be extended in the Pnrr “, wrote Senator Pd Andrea Marcucci on Twitter.

“The 110% super bonus must be extended until 2023, the government undertakes to include the necessary funds in the next budget maneuver. There are many reasons for extending this measure: first of all, energy saving; structural security, unfortunately a topic well known to those who have lived through the dramatic experience of an earthquake; the redistribution of wealth, because even the less well-off can improve their homes or buy a better one “, says Alessia Morani, deputy of the Democratic Party.

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