Pension reform: Pécresse announces a complaint against the deputy LFI Boyard for the “blockade challenge” launched to students and high school students

by time news

It acts “on behalf of the Ile-de-France region in charge of high schools”. Regional President Valérie Pécresse announces that she is filing a complaint against LFI MP Louis Boyard who had called on Sunday for a “blockade challenge” to high school and university students for the day of strike against the pension reform of March 7. According to the elected official in a press release, the complaint was made for “incitement to the offense of obstruction and incitement to violence”.

“On March 7, all of France will be blocked against the pension reform. And because this reform also concerns us young people, it is expected that all high schools and all universities will be blocked against the pension reform. This is why we are launching the hashtag blockade challenge”, had launched one of the youngest deputies of the National Assembly, interspersed with a sequence with the word “Quaicoubeh”, the new trend which electrifies the teenagers of TikTok until to classrooms.

“Arsonist and irresponsible” statements

He thus asked students to publish their “most beautiful photos” of blockades of high schools and universities. “Among these photos, we will draw one and the team of blockers will be invited to visit the National Assembly with us”, continues the elected official. And the one who immediately stood out on his arrival at the Palais-Bourbon by refusing to shake hands with RN deputy Philippe Ballard, to finish: “We meet again on Tuesday March 7 to put the country on hold and participate in the blockade challenge. We meet on Tuesday to push Macron back.

It is still on Twitter that Jean-Luc Mélenchon decided to come to the aid of his young deputy, shortly after the announcement of the president of the Ile-de-France region. “Bravo Louis Boyard! Kick to goal! All the parrots of the regime overplay the indignation and advertise your idea! They forgot Macron’s clowning around with youtubers, ”we can read.

According to Valérie Pécresse, these statements are simply “unacceptable”. In a press release, the president of Île-de-France believes: “The right to demonstrate must respect the right to study. To call for the blocking of high schools is to risk confrontation. “The LR castigates the statements of Louis Boyard which it describes as” pyromaniacs “and” irresponsible “: “High schools are a sanctuary and violence has nothing to do there”.

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