Tamil News | Hindustan Zing has given 3 times the dividend of bank interest!

by time news
While investing in company stocks, if one side is to grow the stock and give profits, some companies will distribute a portion of their profits once over a period of time. This is called dividend. In that way, Hindustan Zing Company has paid 3 times the dividend of bank interest in FY2022.

At the beginning of the financial year 2022-23, the price of one share of Hindustan Zing was Rs.320. In the same financial year, it touched a high of Rs.377. It has also gone to the lowest level of Rs.247. That means an investor at the start of the last financial year would have seen a 23% fall and a 10% rise. Today (March 06) Hindustan Zing closed trading at Rs.312 per share. That is Rs.8.50 less than the initial investment price per share. However, during this period, Hindustan Zinc stock has paid dividend three times during this period. Its value is Rs.49.5.

Hindustan Zinc announced an interim dividend of Rs 21 per share on July 20, 2022. 15.5 as interim dividend on 23 November 2022. In January 2023 it paid another interim dividend of Rs.13. Accordingly 21 + 15.50 + 13 has given a total of 49.5 rupees as profit per share.
If a person had invested Rs 1 lakh at the beginning of FY 2022-23 at Rs 320 per share, he would have got about 313 shares. For that, the value of the amount he received as dividend was only Rs.15,493. Apart from this, if the stock had gone up by 10%, it would have made a profit of Rs.10,000.

This means that if you had invested Rs 1 lakh in June 2022, when the price of one Hindustan share had hit rock bottom at Rs 246, you would have got 406 shares. The value of the dividend received would have been Rs.20 thousand. At the same time, it is worth noting that the stock value falls after the dividend is paid. The company’s financial condition, its revenue, profit, future growth, and the condition of the sector in which it may be in, should be bought and kept at the right price.

Hindustan Zing’s December quarter revenue was Rs 7,628 crore. Net profit was Rs.2,156 crore. However, this profit was 20% lower than last year’s December quarter

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