the Senate adopts a “senior CDI”, with the article on leaving at 64 in the crosshairs

by time news

While the examination of the pension reform continues in the Senate, the two groups which hold the majority there advance their pawns. Wishing to transform the executive’s text into “true right-wing reform”in the words of the president of the Les Républicains (LR) group, Bruno Retailleau, LR and Centrist Union (UC) senators voted against the government’s advice on Monday, March 6, an amendment creating a “senior CDI”. Rejected in particular by left-wing senators and macronists, this device, which aims to promote the recruitment of employees aged at least 60 and unemployed, was adopted by 202 votes against 123.

Decryption: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform in the hands of the right

Defended by the co-rapporteurs of the amending Social Security financing bill, Elisabeth Doineau (UC, Mayenne) and René-Paul Savary (LR, Marne), this new contract, which must be negotiated and validated upstream by each professional branch , is exempt from family contributions for the employer. The latter may put an end to this CDI if the employee fulfills the conditions to benefit from a full pension.

At the opening of the public session on Monday morning, René-Paul Savary recalled that France is below the European average for employment of 55-64 year olds (56%, against 60.5%): “2.4 billion euros allocated by Unédic [l’association paritaire qui pilote le système d’indemnisation des demandeurs d’emploi] for the unemployed over 60, that must concern us. » “What would be the point of raising the legal retirement age [de 62 à 64 ans] if we do nothing about the employment of seniors? » supported Bruno Retailleau.

Arm wrestling over the costing

On this question, the senators of the right and the center have thus wished to go further than the “senior index” of the government, which was adopted at the Luxembourg Palace on the night of Sunday to Monday. Registered in article 2, this system obliges companies with more than 300 employees to publish indicators each year on their employment rate of seniors. “There will be the effect “name and shame”But that is not enough “, noted, doubtful, the president of the LR group.

In front of the senators, the minister delegate in charge of public accounts, Gabriel Attal, urged the right-wing and center majority to withdraw his amendment, pending more in-depth work on the issue of the employment of seniors, at the occasion of the labor law, the examination of which is scheduled for this summer in Parliament, or the next Social Security budget, which will be debated in the fall.

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