CartaBianca, Bianca Berlinguer: “We will continue to give space to no vax and no green pass, the pluralism of information as primary good”. The debate continues after Mentana’s post

by time news

“The pluralism of information is a primary good. There has been some controversy in recent days about theopportunity or not to give space in the televised debate Everyone positions opposed to the vaccine and the green pass“, he has declared Bianca Berlinguer a “CartaBianca“. A premise before the talk dedicated to the pandemic, a public position on a topic discussed for days: “This broadcast has always been clear and explicit in supporting options and policies based on scientific evidence and therefore favorable to vaccines. But in Italy there is a part of society, certainly a minority, which for various reasons he refuses to be vaccinated and challenges the green pass. In our opinion, the task of information and even more so of public service is to allow these voices to express themselves both because the pluralism of information is a primary good and because only the comparison of positions allows those based on scientific foundations to be more convincing towards those who doubt or who are simply afraid of the consequences of the vaccine. This is what we have done so far and we will continue to do so in the future “, declared the hostess.

Even the talk show had ended up in the crosshairs in recent days. The debate started after a post published on social media by Enrico Mentana: “I am honored to have never hosted any exponent of the no-vax on the news I direct. To those who tell me that in this way I impose an informative dictatorship, or a censorship of uncomfortable opinions, I reply that I take the same line with respect to Holocaust deniers, 9/11 conspiracists, flat-earthers, those who do not believe in the moon landing and to anyone who supports counterfactual positions, such as those of those who associate vaccines with 5G or ethnic substitution, the Great Reset, Soros and Gates or various nonsense “, wrote the journalist.

The director of TgLa7 had clearly expressed his opinion on the space, considered excessive by many, granted in the information programs to those who oppose the truth with conspiracies and unscientific theories: “For me to compare a scientist and a sorcerer, on Covid as on any other matter concerning collective health, it is not information, how to set up a face to face between those who fight against the mafia and those who say that it does not exist, between those who are for equality between men and women and those who are against, between those who want democracy and those who support the dictatorship ”.

Similar words in close circle had come from Monica Maggioni, freshly appointed to the management of Tg1: “No you there, no vax al Tg1. If people’s lives are involved, you can’t put a scientist and the first shaman on the street on the same level. Competence must count again, not all opinions have the same value”, The journalist told the newspaper Republic. Mentana’s words, although not having a single recipient, were read as an attack on the programs of the networks that have chosen a different path in the narration: from “It is not the arena” a “Tuesday“, gives “A clean sweep” a “The air that pulls“.

In his reply from Giletti to the director of TgLa7 he specified that his program “it is an agora that must create debate, also open to those who do not think like me “, relaunching Mentana’s proposal with a provocation:” I don’t think Mentana is a fascist yet when CasaPound invited him, he went. I, on the other hand, no, although as a correspondent I could have done so ”, statements made to La Stampa. The reference is to the participation of the journalist in a confrontation that took place in Rome on 29 December 2017 with Simone Di Stefano, leader of the openly neo-fascist movement.

Why are discussed characters such as Stefano Puzzer and Fabio Tuiach hosted? “First of all, Enrico hosts a 30-minute newscast while I have a four-hour in-depth analysis, in which I give news”, added the presenter of It is not the Arena: “I don’t censor. I oppose this method. I am an anarchist in this profession and I bring all forms of contradiction into my program. No.on censorship, I ask uncomfortable questions to unmask the fake. Everyone at home will make their own idea. I may not agree with Montagnier, Freccero and Cacciari, but they have the right to speak and not just because they are intellectuals. I am against only bringing mainstream thinking to TV. We must listen to all the voices it is important that a broadcast also gives space to those who think differently from me but like 8 million people No Vax and No Green Pass. Criminalizing is always a mistake.”

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