Papa: Listen to God’s voice, walk together, bear witness

by time news

Receiving the group from St. Mary’s Seminary in Cleveland, Ohio (USA) at the Vatican on March 6, the Pope encouraged them to pay attention to listening to God, walking together and giving witness to the faith, which are important elements of their formation and the synodal journey of the Church.

C. Roubini CTC, Vatican News

On the 175th anniversary of St. Mary’s Seminary in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, on Monday, March 6, the Pope received the institution’s seminary students, priests, deans and staff at the Vatican and delivered a message. The Pope told them that when we listen to God and walk in unity with our brothers and sisters, it bears fruit as a witness of faith.

The Pope explained the three important indicators of seminary formation and synodal journey: hearing the voice of God, walking together and bearing witness.

Listen to God’s voice

The Pope told them that we must realize that we cannot do anything by ourselves and this awareness invites us to meditate on His Word every day in our lives, to find light for our paths with spiritual accompaniment, to spend time especially with God in prayer, to sit quietly in front of the Zachary and listen to Him. The Pope also reminded them to never forget the importance of devoting ourselves to listening to what God wants to say to us. By listening to God, the truth and beauty of the Gospel will help us to preach, proclaim and respond to our faith with authenticity, joy and effectiveness, the Pope said.

Walk together

Emphasizing the importance of fraternity, fellowship and spirit among those in the seminary, the Pope suggested that not only within the seminary, but also their bishops, monks and nuns of the local church, and the lay faithful should turn their attention to the wider world of the Universal Church.

The Pope reminded them to recognize that we are part of the great people who have received God’s promises not as a special right but as a gift, and that their vocation is dedicated to the service of building up the Body of Christ. The Pope also pointed out that pastoral ministry includes showing the way forward, encouraging others and always accompanying the flock.

Give testimony

The Pope reminded them that listening to God and walking together helps them to become living signs of Jesus present in the world and in this way we can give witness to our faith. The Pope told them that the Church needs their enthusiasm, generosity and zeal to convince everyone that God is always with us in all situations of life.

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